~°•~°☆ XVIII ☆°~•°~

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1/2 of double update...completed!


No One's POV

"Renjun, I don't think we can be friends."

Renjun's eyes widened at Jaemin's conclusion. "Jaemin, why? I- I don't understand-"

"That's exactly why!" Jaemin raised his voice, causing Renjun to flinch as he's never seen his bubbly best friend ever raise his voice to someone before. "You don't understand anything! You don't notice anything!" He cried then came down to a agonizing whisper. "A-and...it hurts, Renjun...it hurts, a lot."

Renjun felt his eyes water as tears were building up. He hated seeing his friends so small and he hated it even more because it was Jaemin. Although he didn't know how, he wanted to help. "Jaemin...I don't know what's wrong...but I want to help. Please, tell me how."

Jaemin shook his head. "You'd only make it worse- no, actually, it's not your fault...it's mine and there's nothing you can do to help but to stay away."

"Jaemin, does that mean..." Renjun started, eyes filling to the brim with tears. Renjun really wished that this was another one of Jaemin's stupid scary jokes he makes. He hoped that the sun-blonde would laugh and go "ha, got ya! you should've seen the look on your face!", but he didn't. This time, he wasn't joking.

"I'm sorry, Renjun. It's just...too much for me to see you right now...or ever, I think." Jaemin said, not looking the one he likes - or maybe even loves - in the eyes.

"Jaemin, please, I-" Renjun reached out to Jaemin, but stopped once he heard the sentence that came out of his best friend's mouth.

"Renjun, I'm really, truly sorry...but we can't be friends anymore." Jaemin sighed, but it sounded forced. What Jaemin really wanted to do was hug Renjun and apologize over and over again, he wanted this to be another one of his pranks, but it can't and won't be. "I-I have to go."

And just like that, the door shut and Jaemin had walked away from Renjun. He left and probably wasn't going to turn back.

Renjun broke down to his knees and cried into his hands, he never wanted this to happen. He never wanted Jaemin to leave just like that. He knows he said that he wouldn't pay for all of Jaemin's debts if he had to in future, but he actually didn't care if he had to, at least Jaemin would still be smiling with him.

"I- I don't understand...what did I d-do wrong...?"

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