~°•~°☆ VIII ☆°~•°~

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second double update...

completed! yay!!

also it's kind of late sorry about that i lost my phone for a bit :(


No One's POV

It was a Saturday night and Jaemin decided to have a sleepover at his house. Jisung, Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck were going to be there. Jaemin had decided to make a gathering with pillows and blankets set on the floor in the living room for the five of them. They were going to either watch a movie and eat snacks or just play games, but either way there were going to be snacks.

Jaemin, at this moment in time, was trying to pry his brother of the couch so he could finish getting everything ready.

"Come on, fat ass. Just freaking move." Jaemin grunted, using almost all of his strength to push his brother of the couch.

"No, I'm comfortable here." Mark said as he kicked Jaemin's shin.

"Ow! You bitch! That hurt!" Jaemin shouted holding his recently kicked shin as he wobbled on one leg.

"Well, you should've just left me alone." Mark shrugged making Jaemin even angrier.

"Oh my god, Mark! Get the fuck up or else I will chop off all your limbs and ship them to Egypt!" Jaemin threatened, not having any of his brother's stubbornness today.

"Why Egypt?" Mark asked. "And I'm not moving, not even if you threaten me."

Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Fine! You can stay there, but don't scare away my friends."

Mark smiled at his brother. "No promises."

"Ugh, whatever. I'm just going to get the snacks ready." Jaemin said, deciding to just ignore his brother.

As Jaemin was finishing up, he heard the doorbell ring. "Oh, just on time." He said to himself as he walked to the door.

When he opened the door he was met with Renjun and Donghyuck. "Welcome!"

"Hi." Donghyuk said as Renjun replied with an enthusiastic 'hello!'.

Jaemin walked inside as the two followed him and Donghyuck closed the door behind them. "Sorry for the fat ass on the couch. He wouldn't move."

Renjun chuckled as Donghyuck just nodded. The doorbell then ringed again.

"You guys can sit wherever you want, I'm going to go get the door." Jaemin said as he walked over to the door.

Once he opened it he saw both Chenle and Jisung. He let them in, closed the door behind them, and then sat next to Renjun who was sitting on a blanket.

"Let's get this party started!" Jaemin then said, throwing his arms in the air enthusiastically.

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