chapter 1: hell part 1

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Stiles P.O.V. 2 years ago

It's been a year since the nogitsune and the guilt of killing all those people. Killing my bestfriends first love and crush of my whole lifes boyfriend.

I have been looking for a way to bring them back and I found it. I'm on my way to a cross road to make a deal. With a demon so I can bring them back.

I just got to the cross roads I get out of Roscoe. I went to the back and got a shovel and went to the middle of the cross road and start digging.

I just finished digging the hole and put the box with a photo and some other things. I bury it I look up no one was there I turned around there was a girl looks about in her twenties with red and black eyes.

"Hello Stiles what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Can you bring all the people I killed back? I asked. "How long do I get? Ten years?" I asked

"That's a lot of people. It's going to cost you." She said.

"Cost me what?" I asked.

"Years." She said with a smirk.

"How many?" I asked.

"All of them but since I'm nice I'll give you a day." She said.

"What? A day I thought you get ten years?" I asked.

"Usually you get ten years. Since yours is not a usual case you want a lot of people brought so you lose years." She said

"Fine I'll take it. How do we deal this seal? A hand shake?" I asked.

"No sweety you seal it with a kiss." She said.

"Ok fine let's get this over with." I said. She walked over to me and we kissed for about a minute until I pulled away.

"Ok they will start showing up in a few hours. Little advise dont be around carpet when your time is up." She said and diapered.

"Well ok. Bye." I said under my breath. I went over to my jeep. Got in and drove to my house.

When I got there my dads car was not there. I got out of my jeep and ran upstairs and started writing letters because I cant do it I'm person. First Scott:

Dear Scott,

You are my bestfriend...My brother. I'm sorry for what I did to Alison. By the way tell her hi. And everyone I will miss you I want you to know this is not your fault. Not everything is your fault dont forget me. The reason this happened is because of me I let it in. I will miss you your my bestfriend... My brother.

Love, Stiles Stilinski

Next is my dad

Dear dad,

I am so sorry for leaving you but I have to. The one thing I ask is you dont start drinking. And tell everyone hi for me like Alison, Aidan and everyone. I want you to know this its not fault. And keep the pack out of trouble. I love you dont forget that.

Love, Stiles Stilinski.

Next is Melissa.

Dear Melissa,

Youa are my second mother I love you. I'm sorry for leaving you and all the others. Please watch my dad make sure he doesn't start drinking please. Tell everyone hi. Love you mom I will miss you. Dont forget about me.

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