Chapter 9: The Winchester's house

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Scott's P.O.V

Something happened at practice I smell Liam's blood. I walk over to where there's blood on the ground. I can smell Jake and Liam and is that mistletoe? and it is I look at Issac,Jackson, Kira, and Malia.

"What happened did anyone see?" I asked. Because I was at the other end of the field playing all I heard was coach saying for us to keep playing.

"I did." Malia said. She was sitting on the bleachers.

"Care to share?" Issac asked.

"So after Jake hit Scott he hit Liam. Liam fell to the ground with his stomach bleeding. Jake said he was sorry and called him 'little wolf' and asked coach to take him to the nurse. When they walk past the bleachers Jake asked if he could trust him." Malia said.

"do you smell that? Its mistletoe Jake probably stabbed him with something with mistletoe on it." I said.

"Let's go check the nurses office to see if hes there and find the rest of the pack?" Jackson asked.

"Ya. I'll go look for Lydia and Aidan there probably in coach's office. You look in the nurses office and for the rest of the pack." I said they nodded and walked off in different directions. I walk to coach's office and knock. About 2 seconds later I here shuffling and the door opened Lydia stood there with Aidan behind her.

"Yes Scott?" She asked.

"Something happened at practice Liam's been taken." I said they looked shocked.

"By who?" She asked.

Jake. He stabbed Liam or something and we can smell mistletoe." I said they grab their stuff and walk out of the office.

"Let's go find out where he lives. I'm going to the office to look for his address to look for his paper work to tell us. You go find the rest of the pack." She said.

"Ok." I said walking off.

Lydia's P.O.V

Liam's gone I can feel like someones close to death but its kinda slowly going away. We walk to the office I go to a desk. Everyone is gone in the office I see a file on the desk that says 'Miller, Jake' I open it and read it out loud.

"Has ADHD, depression and anxiety he has to take pill's for them. What the hell?" I asked.

"It sounds like what Stiles had." Aidan said. "Wheres he live?"

"Address: 642 Star Street, Beacon Hills, California. Father's Phone: (605)-475-6968. Do you think its dean number?" I asked.

"Probably he said Deans his dad." He said I take a picture of the file and put it back.

"Let's go find Liam. I'm going to text Scott the address." I said. I pulled Scott's contact and texted him the address and to meet us by my car.

"Are you done?" Aidan asked.

"Yep let's go to my car I told Scott to meet us there." I said we start to walking down the hall and out the front door. We go to my car and I see Jake's car is gone. Aidan and I sit on the hood of my car and wait .

About 5 minutes later the pack walks out the front doors of the school. They walk up to us.

"Did you find anything?" Alison asked.

"Ya we found out where he lives and some other stuff." I said.

"What other stuff?" Malia asked.

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