Chapter 11: truth has to come out sometime

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Sill Stiles P.O.V

"I can't tell you how because the person you know or knew is probably become one of the things that tortures the other souls." Dean said. Thanks dean now they know I was tortured.

"All the souls are tortured?" Scott asked.

"Yes from the moment you get on the rack. But I've seen people go years and not give in." He said.

"Tell is how to bring my son back." Sheriff said in a threatening voice.

"I can't." Dean said every wolf and coyote growled and eyes lit up.

"You will tell us." Peter said. Oh my god is he normal now? Nope.

"No I'm going to tell you how bad it is to get yanked out. It fucking sucks. SO NO." Dean yelled the last part. And it really does suck.

"Yes you will even if we have to torture you." Peter said smirking.

"Torture me. I won't tell you how to get stiles out." Dean said thanks again.

"Yes you are." Scott said through fangs.


"No they want to fight we will fight." Dean said.

"No you won't. Everyone calm down." I said. Should I? Screw it I'm doing it. The truth had to come out some time. I reach for the bracelet.

"Don't do it." Dean said

"I have to." I said.

"Have to what?" Lydia asked I start undoing the bracelet. It feels like such a relief having it off again. Everyone gasps and is shocked.

"S-Stiles?" Alison asked.

"The one and only." I said she ran up to me and hugged me everyone else is still frozen except she and Dean.

"How did you get out?" She asked I lift my shirt to show the hand print.

"Not got out, yanked out." I said.

"By what?" She asked.

"Castiel. An angel." I said.

"A angel those aren't real." She asked.

"Yes they are." Dean said.

"Ok so if they are real why haven't we seen one?" She asked

"Because they hide in the shadows." Sam said.

"Ok so you were in hell for 2 years and you get yanked out by a angel why?" She asked.

"Well years passed different down there and because I was giving in." I said.

"How long were you down there?" She asked I look down why didn't this happen with Liam. I'm fighting tears and memories. But then the memories take over. I fall to my knees put my hand on my head trying not to scream. But it happens any way. I scream as loud as Lydia or even louder I see everyone drop holding their ears before I go in to the memories.

(a/n: Mary anyone? No ok.)

I am trying not to scream as they tear me apart from the outside in. I scream sending the demon away like a banshee.

"What the hell? Your going to get it now.." Kai said coming at me again. Then I'm back in the living room everyone still covering there ears.

"Well that was fun. How bout you guys did you have fun?" I asked getting up off my knees. Everyone got up still covering there ears.

"Guess we found the banshee." Scott yelled.

"WHAT?" Everyone yelled. I laughed I can hear perfectly. I waited a minute I think they can hear now.

"I'm not a banshee I'm human and I'm a guy." I said.

"Your rare but they can be guys but very very very rare." Scott said.

"Oh. And to answer your question Alison about 240 years of torture." I said in a emotionless tone I look at everyone they are jaw dropped.

"AHHHHH!!!" Liam screamed from up stairs. I start running up stairs I stop in my room to see Liam being held up by his throat By is that Kai? It is.

"Hello stiles you got to come back with me or I'll kill the boy." Kai said.


Sorry for the late late late update. I've been busy on some other ones lately. But I hope you like it sorry for the cliffhanger.

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