Chapter 12: Sara walker

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Still Stiles P.O.V

"Leave him alone kai. Your fight is with me." I said. He dropped Liam to the ground with aloud thud he tried to walk to me but he can't. Thank you devil trap. He picks Liam back up again.

"Break it Stiles." He said I smiled getting a idea.

"Hey kai what was that story you told me?" I asked.

"About sara? He asked. Not getting the gist.

"Hey Liam. Show him your superpower." I said Liam didn't know what I meant by it.

"W-wh-what?" He managed to choke out.

"The ones Scott have you." He got it that time he flicked his claws out and clawed at kai. Causing kai to drop him.

"Werewolf." Kai said with so much hatred. You see Sara walker (yes Ethan and Aidens sister) was his girlfriend. She was the only human of the walker kids. So he went to see her some werewolves stoped him from getting he watched Ethan and Aiden kill her. He then sold his soul to bring her back but she was brought back a werewolf so he killed her. Because he thought it would be better for her to be dead then to live as a beast.

"Liam run." I said he did but kai grabbed his shirt. Liam looked so scared. I grabbed both deans and my guns and shit laid hand causing him to let go. Liam ran to me and hugged me. "Yes he's a werewolf. But you want the kicker. ETHAN AIDEN COME HERE." I yelled they came running up and stopped dead in their tracks when they seen kai.

"Kai?" They asked at the same time.

"I'm going to kill you both." Kai said eyes black. Ethan and Aiden walk up next to me as kai tried to get them but the trap stops him.

"Why are you here?" Aiden asked confused on why his eyes are black and why he's here obviously.

"For me. But he told me the story of her death. By her I mean your sister." I said.

"I hate what we did." Ethan said tearing up I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't blame your self you see kai here-" kai cut me off.

"Stop right there stiles." He said I smirked and went on.

"Well kai here sold his soul to bring her back-" I said cut off by Aiden this time.

"You sold your soul to bring her back where is she?" Aiden asked.

"Let me continue. So she was brought back a wolf. So he said that being dead was better than being a beast so he killed her." I said Aiden now has tears in his eyes.

"You killed her? I thought you loved her?" The twins ask at the same time.

"I did that's why I didn't want her to be a beast like you." Kai said with venom in his voice.

"We are not beasts anymore. You are." Ethan said. I grabbed some chains that Sam told me held the king of hell Crowley. I had them in my room. I put them on kai. I broke the trap. He try's to run but the chain is stopping him one is because I'm holding it. And 2 it makes it so he can't use his powers.

"Where you taking him?" Liam, Ethan, and Aiden asked at the same time.

"The basement." I said and start walking towards the stairs. I turn around. "You coming?"

"Ya." They say we walked down stairs. After I threw kai down the stairs he landed in front of Scott.

"Who's he?" Scott asked.

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