Chapter 10: Family reunion

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Stiles P.O.V

I walk into my room to see Liam is looking for a shirt in my closet.

"Sit down." I almost yelled he jumped and did as told.

"Why? I'm fine?" He said but it was more of a question.

"No your not, you need to rest." I said I grabbed a black shirt from my closet and gave it to him. "Here."

"Thank you, Stiles." He said as he put it on it is a little to big.

"Do you want something cooler than sweat pants?" I asked. Its hotter than hell in this house.

"Sure." He said. I grabbed a pair of grey shorts from the dresser and hand them to him. I went to the bathroom and got a towel. I walk back in the room Liam's is now laying down. I walk over to where there's mistletoe on the floor and clean it up. "Why cant you tell the pack?" I looked up at him on the bed.

"I was told not to." I said finishing cleaning up and I stand and put the towel in the trash because I don't want to clean it.

"By who?" He asked I sat on the bed next to him.

"Cas." I said using the nickname Dean told me.

"Who's Cas?" He asked.

"The angel that yanked me out of hell." I said laying down.

"Why did you do it?" He asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Sell your soul." He said.

"Because I killed a lot of people the guilt got to much so I decided that a few century's of pain would be good for the people I left behind and for the ones I killed to comeback to their family's." I said.

"What was it like?" He asked.

"Hell? It was hell." I said chuckling.

"When did you get back?" He asked.

"Almost a week ago but the first day was horrible." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I could only remember one thing from before I sold my sold my soul. The rest of my memories were of hell." I said.

"How long were you there I heard time is different there?" He asked.

"It is, up here I was gone for two years down there it was 240 years." I said.

"That sucks." He said.

"You have no clue. Get some rest." I said. "If you cant I can always give you a sedative." I smirked.

"I can sleep I'm really tired." He said and he was out like a light.

"Goodnight little wolf." I said.

"Night mom." He said quietly. That was like when I was in the hospital and I said 'thanks mom.' to Scott's mom. Who is like a mother to me. I stand up and go down stairs to see the packs back inside and there is more people Derek, the devil in a v-neck aka Peter, my dad aka the sheriff, and Melisa aka my second mom aka Scott's mom.

"Hey everyone." I said and everyone turns around my dad and Melisa turn around they were looking away. And me being me almost fell down the last three steps I was shocked this is the first time I've seen them and I want to hug them but I cant. "Well that was a graceful entrance." I said causing a few laughs.

"Who are you?" Sheriff asked well that hurt but I cant show it.

"Well my names Jake I knew your son. Good kid. Well was." I said smirking that hurt.He looked sad I want to rip this bracelet off but I cant.

"Yeah he was. Wheres Liam?" He asked

"You mean the kid I stabbed with the wrong knife and had to save his life because if I killed him I wouldn't be able to live with myself? That one?" I asked he looked shocked.

"You stabbed him?" He asked.

"Well yes, right here." I said taking a dagger out and spinning it and caught it and put it about an inch into my stomach it didn't even faze me. But blood was soaking my white shirt.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Melisa asked.

"Me and pain came to a little understanding a few years back." I said pushing it deeper so its about two inches. More blood comes out.

"You should stop." Derek said. I smirk hes leaning against the back wall I pull it out and throw it right next to his head which stunned him and Peter chuckled.

"Your right I should." I said smirking darkly.

"Wheres Liam?" He asked.

"Sleeping. Now Derek can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Why? Sure." He said.

"Why do you like throwing people into walls?" I asked smirk going darker.

"That was a bad time in my life." I said.

"Ok that answers my next question now do you guys want to make sure I didn't kill Liam?" I asked.

"I'll go." Issac said.

"Be quiet. Or I'll kill you." I said,

"Ok." He said as he slowly walked upstairs.

"Hes not dead." I said as I pointed up stairs just in time for:

"Hes not dead." Issac said coming down stairs.

"See. Liam and I just talked and I told him to go to sleep or I would give him a sedative." I said.

"Ok. Can we ask Dean a question?" Lydia asked.

"Me? Why me?" Dean asked.

"Because we want know how to get someone out of hell." She said. Sam and Dean look at me.


Sorry for not updating for a while and for the cliff hanger 

well thank you for reading.

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