chapter 3: what the hell is a Stiles?

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Dean's P.O.V  present.

We are just in the bunker. I hear wings clap I turn around to see Castiel holding a unconscious teenager.

"Who is this? You cant just unconscious teens here." I said.

"Hes not just a teen." Cas said and sat him in a chair. I can see his arm there's a hand print like mine.

"He was in hell?" Sam asked.

"For 2 years up here." Cas said.

"He was in hell for 240 years?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Yes he eold his soul to bring back the people he killed when he was possessed." Cas said.

"Possessed? By what?" I asked still in shock.

"By a dark fox spirit called a nogitsune." Cas said.

"How many years did he get to spend with the people he killed?" I asked.

"A day." Cas said mine and Sam's jaws droped.

"How many people did he kill?" Sam asked.

"Around 300 people." Cas answered.

"What's this kids name?" I asked.

"Stiles." Cas said.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" I asked.

"Its his nickname. I cant say his real one." Cas said.

"Why did you save him? The only people you save are either our family or going to start the Apocalypse. So who is he?" Sam asked. Cas was quite.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Both." He said.

"So we have another brother we did not know about." I said. Cas shook his head.

"Not you brother your son." Cas said looking at me. I stared at him in disbelief.

"And my nephew?" Sam said but it was more of a question. Cas nodded.

"I have a son." I said in disbelief still.

"Ok I have to go now. All he will knows is some girls name. Lydia." Cas said.

"Why her? Not his?" Sam asked.

"He loves her. I dont know why he doesn't remember his name." Cas said and dispersed.

"You have a son. It is nice he remembers his lives name and not his they're love must be strong." Sam said.

"Ya. I'm going to get a drink." I said walking off.

Lydia's P.O.V

It's been 2 years since we found Stiles's body. We found it 2 weeks after we got letters. Right now I'm hanging out with Aidan and Alison.

We never stopped looking for a way to get him out of hell. We found out he sold his soul about a year ago. The only person who got out of hell is a guy named Dean Winchester. We looked for him for a while but never found him.

Aidans P.O.V

It's been 2 years Stiles brought us back I remember when I got the letter.


I just woke up I ran to the loft to see the pack inside. I go inside everyone looked at me in disbelief.

"Aidan?" Lydia asked. I nodded she ran to me and hugged me. And gave me something with my name on it. I open it and start reading:

Dear Aidan,

I never liked you. But Lydia did so you are going to be with her I know you are. Just take care of her please if you dont you will get a mountain ask stick covered in wolfsbane wraped in misal toe. But you take care of her now please dont hurt her.

Sincerely, Stiles Stilinski.

I just stood there for a minute.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Stiles brought you back duties died doing it." She said.

"Has anyone else read this?" I asked she shook her head. Good.

"Nope." She said.

*End of flashbacks*

I'm taking care of her Stiles I won't hurt her. I'm sorry you sacrificed yourself so we could live . She loves and misses you.

Alison's P.O.V

I'm hanging out with Lydia and Aidan we are reading the letters Stiles wrote us a few years because it's the anniversary of his death. I remember when I got the letter.


Melissa and I are on the way to the sheriff station. Her phone just went off she told me to see what it is because she is driving. It says there's a pack meeting.

"Go to the loft there's a pack meeting." I said.

"Ok." She said turning around and drove to the loft. When we got there we went up stairs and she slid the big door we walked in everyone looked at us Issac ran up to me and kissed me I kissed him back. He gave me a paper that says my name I start reading:

Dear Alison,

When I killed you I was consumed with so much guilt. The pack looked at me disgusted at what I've done. I'm sorry I cant begin to explain how sorry I am. Bu tree on a happy note you and Issac are together and if you hurt him I'll haunt you like the others. I'm sorry I'll miss you take care of Issac he needs it tell him to stop wearing those scarfs please.

Love, Stiles Stilinski.

I was shocked I stood there for a second and it hit me he is going to die. All the sudden lydia screams Stiles name. We're to late hes dead or dieing.

*End of flashback*

I just stare at the page you can still see where Stiles tears stained the page. I'm so sorry Stiles.

"I feel weird to day like what I felt like  when you guys came back but alittle different." Lydia said.

"Different how?" I asked.

"I dont know. But it almost feels like another banshee but it feels like I know them. And miss them." She said.

"I dont know what that's means but something's up." Aidan said. We got up and drove to Scott's house.

Sam's P.O.V

I'm just sitting next to this kid. Dean's kid he looks alot like him. Deans passed out drunk he drank most the alcohol in the bunker. Well hes passed out I'm watching his kid. Stiles started to move until he sat up screaming really loud louder than I've ever heard.

"HEY STILES CALM DOWN. YOUR OK." I yelled over the screams. He stopped and looked at me.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" He asked.


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