chapter 6: tattoo

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Stiles P.O.V

We just got to the tattoo shop. We go inside after leaving the beautiful Impala. We go in to see a few people getting tattoos and a few working on them and someone behind a desk.

"Hey we want to get him a tattoo." Dean said pointing at me.

"Any idea what?" The guy asked.

"yes here." I said handing him a picture of the tattoo Sam and Dean want me to get. I look at the wall I see a self symbol. "Can I get that too?"

"Let me draw them up." He said walking into the back room we sat down and waited.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Self in Japanese . Like this." I said showing the burn behind my ear that's slowly fading

"How did you get that?" Sam asked.

"After I was possessed they had to make sure it was me. The oni and my friends mom." I said.

"Your friends mom? What did she have to do with it?" Dean asked.

"She controlled them before I got control." I said the guy walked back out.

"Come on lets get started where do you want them?" He asked. Walking to a chair I got up and walked back out.

"The one we brought on my ribs. And the self can I get it on the back of my neck." I said.

"What one first? And is this your first tattoo?" He asked.

"The one we brought first. And yes its my first." I said he nodded.

"Take your shirt off." He said I took my shirt off I'm built pretty bid and have a lot of scars from fighting with the pack. The guys jaw dropped along with everyone in the tattoo parlor.

"What?" I asked

"How did you get all these?" He asked putting the stencil on my side. I sit down with my arm up so its not in the way.

"Work." I said.

"What do you do for work?" He asked getting the tattoo gun ready.

"Find and fight bad people." I said he started o my side.

"Like a bounty hunter?" He asked.

"Sort of not professionally." I said.

"Ok." He continue to work on my side.

Lydia's P.O.V

I feel this pain in my side I walk into the bathroom I lift my shirt up and see a tattoo of a pentagram I don't know what its for or anything I go to my room and start research on it.

Stiles P.O.V

After awhile he stopped.

"All done. How did you not move that whole time? Next tattoo?" He asked.

"Sure. And for not moving I've been through a lot worse." I said.

"You said the back of the neck?" He asked I nodded he put the stencil for the self tattoo. And started I just sat not moving. I wish I had a my phone.

Lydia's P.O.V

I got the same pain in the back of my neck I walk to the mirror I lifted my hair. There's a self tattoo  like the one behind my ear. Aidan walked in and sees me.

"When did you get a tattoo?" He asked.

"Apparently right now. The guy got two so I got them to." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"We are connected so I guess that if some thing happens to him or me it happens to the other." I said.

"So we need to go back to Scott." He said I nodded. We left.

Stiles P.O.V

I'm done getting tattoos for today. Sam,Dean and I are on our way to pack. Well for them to pack to go to Beacon Hills.

"Stiles where did you get those scars from?" Dean asked.

"Fighting werewolves, Hellhounds, Windigos, Werecamilion, Werejaguar, Kanima, Oni, Void, Kitsunes and hunters." I said they turned back to me in shock.

"What the hell I don't even know what half of those things are." Dean said looking back at the road.

"Ya I'm surprising. And can we hurry I want to leave to Beacon Hills." I said.

"Ok." Dean said speeding up.

*Time skip because I'm lazy*

We are almost to Beacon Hills.

"I'm putting the bracelet on." I said. I put in it on they look back Dean swerved and stopped the car in shock.

"That's a big change." Sam says.

"Can I see?" I asked Sam hands me a mirror I reach for it and see my hand has tattoos along with my arm. I grab the mirror I look at my self I have a nose piercing and a tattoo on my neck of a face. I have black hair that is long on top and short on sides I have brown eyes still. I cant lie this guy is hot whoever he is.

Dean starts driving again

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Dean starts driving again. I keep looking at my self.

"What's your name going to be?" Sam asked.

"Um I think uh Jake um Miller. Ya Jake Miller." I say they nod and continue driving.

I see the 'you are now entering Beacon Hills' sign. I start having lots of anxiety my breathing gets short and my hands start to shake. I'm having a panic attack.

"Stiles whats wrong?" Sam asks I looked at him in complete panic.

"I-I-I'm hav-having a pan-panic atta-attack." I manage to choke out.

"What do I do? Think about something that makes you happy. Family, friends, anything." Sam says I start thinking about Lydia my breathing slows so its not pants anymore.

"Thank you Sam." I said.

Lydia's P.O.V

I was sitting on Scott's couch a minute ago. I started having a panic attack well not me him the other banshee.

"Are you ok?" Scott asked I nod.

"It was not me well ya it was but its started with him." I said.

"The banshee had a panic attack?" Aidan asked i nod.


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