Chapter 13: Bloodloss and Nightmares

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Liams pov

I have been listening to what was happening downstairs. I hear stiles say-

"Ya I'm fine." He said a few seconds later "shit." There was a loud thud.

"STILES!?" The twins yelled. I ran downstairs to see Stiles on the floor in a pool of his blood and the twins around him.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled they looked up scared.

"He passed out." Ethen said. I ran to Stiles and picked him up I ran up stairs with him. The pack looked at me and ran up to me as I put Stiles on the couch.

"What happened?" Melissa asked.

"He passed out and there was a lot of blood. What happened?" I asked everyone with tears in my eyes. Melissa looked at Him. She lifted his shirt. There is a stab wound exactly where mine is.

"He needs a hospital." Melisa said.

"Who did this to him?" I asked growling.

"Himself." The sheriff said.

"Take his shirt off." Cas said. I pushed Melissa not hard but a push. I pulled his shirt off. There's scars all over him. He's the other banshee? He has the same tattoo as Lydia. I lifted his neck and sure enough there's the self symbol. There was gasps as they look at stiles body littered with scars.

"How did this happen?" Scott asked the Winchester's I think.

"He said he got it fighting werewolves and a bunch of stuff." The one with long hair said. He got these from fighting with us?

"Ok everyone you might want to close your eyes." Cas said walking to Stiles I growled but he ignored me putting his hand over the wound and a bright light apeard. I closed my eyes. When it stoped I opened my eyed to see the wound gone like it never happened. But the scars are still there. Stiles shot up gasping for air I tackled him into a hug.

"What happened little wolf?" He asked I let go of him.

"You passed out from blood loss." I said. I hit him in the shoulder. "Why did you stab yourself?" I asked He chuckled.

"Sounded like the right thing to do at the time. Where's Kai?" He asked

"Downstairs still you idiot." Derek said.

"Come on Sourwolf I thought you were nice now." I said Derek laughed at the nickname.

"He is nice now. His girlfriend thinks so too." I said Stiles looks shocked.

"You have a girlfriend?" He asked proud of Derek.

"Yes Braeden. The mercenary." Derek said.

"Good job Sourwolf. Did everyone do some parts I asked in the letters?" Stiles asked.

"All." Everyone said besides the Winchester's. Stiles smiled.  

"Well I am glad you did." Stiles said.

"So are we just going to ignore the fact there is a demon downstairs?" Issac asked.

"He can't get out. And I'm done for the night. I'm tired as hell." Stiles said chuckling at hell.

"Ok Stiles. We will talk tomorrow you have to explain some stuff to us." Scott said. Stiles nodded.

"Ok." Stiles said we all say our goodbyes. I got a ride from Hayden.

"How are you?" She asked as we were half way to my house.

"I'm healing. It's almost completely healed. There is just a small cut. And I am feeling fine. I think the mistletoes out of my system." I said.

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