chapter 2: Hell part 2

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The tears started rolling down my face at Scott's letter I'm truly going to miss them. I heard my dads car coming into the drive way I ran and put the letter on his bed and ran back into my room and got everything I own clothing wise. I ran down stairs and went to the kitchen where my dad is. Before I walk in I wipe the tears from my face.

"Hey dad." I said with a smile.

"Hey Stiles what are you doing with the bags?" He asked.

"Oh ya i forgot to tell you. I'm going camping." He asked.

"You hate camping." He said.

"No I dont. I like it." I said in a fake hurt tone.

"For how long?" He asked.

"No long." I said.

"Ok better go it's getting dark." He said.

"Ok love you." I said running out the door.

"Love you to." He yelled from behind me. I put my stuff in the back I got a tent. I got in my jeep started it and drove to Scott's he wasn't there neither was Melisa so I ran to the door unlocked it and ran upstairs put their notes on their beds.

I ran back down stairs walked out the door and locked it I got in my jeep and drove to Lydia's. She wasn't home so I went through her window and put the note her and Aidens on her bed. I jumped back out her window.

I got back in the jeep and drove to the post office to send the others so I dont waste anymore time driving around. I went to the post office got some envelopes I put Jacksons and Ethans in the same one. Same with Issac and Alison. I put Haydens, Liams, Masons, and croats in the same one. I sent all of them.

I left I drove really far outside the packs territory. I stopped and set up camp it looks like I've been here for days. So no one knows how long I actually was.

Scott's P.O.V

I just got home it smells like Stiles and sadness. I gi upstairs to my room. I see a letter on my bed that says my name and from Stiles. I pick it up I see tear drops on it I open it and read it:

Dear Scott,

Your my bestfriend... My brother. I'm sorry for what I did to Alison. By the way tell her hi. And everyone. I will miss you know this is not your fault not everything is your fault dont forget me. The reason this happened is because of me I let it in. I will miss you your my bestfriend... My brother. I love you brother.

Love, Stiles Stilinski.

I read it a few times until it hit me Stiles did something but what? What did he mean by say hi to Alison? I ran out of my room and drove to the preserve of he did anything he would go here. Right?

Sheriffs P.O.V

I have been watching TV for an hour since Stiles left. I turn the TV off I got up and started going upstairs I got to my room i see a piece of paper that says my name and from Stiles i pick it sit on my bed and read:

Dear dad, I'm so sorry for leaving you but I have to. The one thing I ask is you dont start drinking. And tell everyone hi for me like Alison, Aidan and everyone. I want you to know it's not your fault. And keep the pack out of trouble. I love you dont forget that.

Love, Stiles Stilinski.

Tell people hi like Alison she's dead. What has Stiles done now he is going to get himself killed. I got up ran downstairs got in my car and drove to the station.

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