Chapter 8: Liam knows

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Stiles P.O.V

I just told the pack that I'm Deans son and that I 'knew' me well Stiles. They still think I'm Jake Miller. Guess this thing covers my sent. I play with the bracelet a lot.

Right now I'm going to see coach about lacrosse. I knock on coach's door but who answers is not coach it the one the only Lydia Martin. And Aidan I wont lie I'm jealous. 

"What do you want Jake?" She asked.

"Wow coach that was rude. Who's the puppy Aidan Walker?" I asked.

"How do you know my last name? I've never told anyone before." Aidan said.

"Its called research I also know you killed you whole pack, you and your twin can become a huge werewolf. Cool by the way. Then you met Deucalion the Alpha of the Alpha pack. By the way how was Sara?" I asked. Sara was his little sister that he and Ethan killed on a full moon by accident. 

"How do you know about her?" Aidan asked flashing his eyes bright blue.

"Well I told you. Research do you know what that means or can you not get it through you thick scull Walker?" I asked. He growled I laughed darkly.

"I'm going to kill you." He said.

"Ok. For the real reason I'm here. Wheres coach?" I asked.

"Hes outside. Now can you leave?" Lydia asked.

"Now I know what he met by that." I said.

"Who? And about what?" She asked.

"Stiles. How hurtful you can be." I said in a fake hurt tone. "Just kidding."

"Just kidding what?" Aidan asked.

"Her being mean. He never talked bad about her you on the other hand I can say a lot about. By the the way Lydia he was truly in love with you that's why he wanted you happy with this jackass. Oh wait that's Jackson's nickname he told me yours he never called you it to your face but he told me. Rouge I never really liked it I think you are more like a snake in the grass." I said looking at him. I walked down the hall yelling. "See you later."

I walk outside looking for coach. I found him on the field for practice.

"Hey coach." I said walking up next to him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm truly hurt. I'm in your third period. Jake Miller." I said.

"Oh new kid. What do you want?" He asked.

"Can I join the team?" I asked.

"First take your shirt off." He said. I forgot he does this. I take my shirt off I have a six pack well in this appearance in mine I'm a bit bigger and some more tattoos in this one. Coach looks surprised.

"Did I pass your weird test?" I asked

"Yes. Have you ever played. Never mind I don't care." He said throwing me a blank jersey.

"Wheres the gear?" I asked he pointed to the locker rooms I ran to go get the gear and ran back out I got a stick and went on the field. Danny's in goal we are all shooting. Scott goes making it with a little help from his werewolf speed and strength. Next Issac he makes it just like Scott same with Liam. Kira goes she makes it she only has speed. Next is Jackson he makes it with ease like the other wolfs. Next is me I go up to the line I pick the ball up I ran forward and threw the ball it goes next to Danny's helmet hitting it a little bit but it made it in the net.

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