Chapter 14: Void

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Stiles POV

When I got home from school I went home. Sam and Dean are gone I went downstairs. Kai is passed out. I grab the bucket of holy water. I dump it on him he screamed.

"Morning buddy how was your day? Mine was good spent some quality time with my old pack. Even your old friends." I said smiling. He shook his head.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh I just wanted to spend some quality time with my favorite guy before he gets sent back to hell." I said smiling he looks at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well you will have to wait and see Kai." I said smiling. I grabbed the demon knife.

"What you gonna do kill me?" He asked.

"Oh. No no. Nothing like that." I said before stabbing him in the leg. He screamed.  I pulled it out and threw it back on the table.

"Fuck you." He said growling.

"Oh wouldn't you like to.  Well I'm gonna go watch some tv. Have a lovely time down here." I said before dumping another bucket on him before going back upstairs. I sit on the couch and put flash on again. I watched for a few hours. Sam and Dean came in.

"Finally." I said groaned putting my head back.

"You wanna get this over with?" Sam asked.

"Yep." I said pausing the show.

"Come on." Dean said already heading downstairs.  I follow him Sam behind me.  We get down there.

"Who you want doing this kid?" Sam asked.

"Dean-o." I said pointing at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Do what?" Kai asked.

"Kill you of course." I said smiling I grab the knife and hand it to Dean.

"Wait what? You can't do that." Kai said.

"If I didn't know better I would think you were scared." I said smirking.

"When ever you say." Dean said.

"Bye bye Kai." I said as I gave a thumbs up to Dean.  He lunged forward and staved Kai in the chest. Orange light flickered. I feel a snap in my head and a tug at my heart.

"Who wants a beer?" Dean asked pulling the knife out.

"Me." I said we went up I was handed a beer.  I opened it and took a drink.

As we drank they told me more stuff about the supernatural. Sam gave me some book.


I am in the forest I'm holding a bloody knife my heads covered in blood. I look down to see a faceless body. I turn around to see the Nemeton. Why am I hear.

"What? Stiles wake up." I said closing my eyes tightly.  "Stiles wake up!" I said hitting myself in the head.

When I woke up I wasn't in the house anymore. I was in the middle of the woods. I look around confused. I look on the ground to see a knife with blood on it. I check myself for cuts. No cuts but I have blood on my hands and on the hoodie I am wearing. 

"Fuck fuck fuck." I said taking the hoodie off I wipe my hands on it and grab the knife. I wrap it up in the hoodie and run off.

When I get to the house I go through the back door. I go in and lean against the door closing my eyes dropping the hoodie breathing heavily. 

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