Chapter 5: Castial

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Stiles P.O.V

I told Sam about my memories and for some reason I feel like I can trust him. But I'm not going to just yet because I found out not to trust in hell because if I did they would turn around on me and torture me. But I'm getting really tired.

"Is there some where I can sleep?" I asked with a yawn.

"Yes. follow me." Sam said walking down the hall to a door we stopped he opened the door. I walked in there was just a bed a lamp on a side table that's it.

"Its nice." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry was not expecting you." Sam said.

"Ya I guess I just popped up." I said.

"Ya get some sleep Stiles." Sam said I nodded he walked out and closed the door behind him. I lay down and instantly fall asleep. I had a dream more like memories.


"Stiles come on we have to get to school." crock.. Scott said. We walked to a beat up old blue jeep we got in and drove to a school called 'Beacon Hills High.' We got out of the jeep and went to the doors. But before we could walk in I think Lydia walked out pissed.

"Lydia whats wrong?" I asked.

"Aidan is a jerk." She said.

"I could have told you that." I said.

"What did he do?" Scott asked glaring at me.

"He just wants- never mind." She said walking past us to her car  and drove off.

It went to another.

"I don't know. It can't be Stiles hes in hell."  A guy holding Lydia's hand said. Lydia has tears in her eyes. Scott wiped a tear from his eye before talking. How did no one see that.

"And hes not a banshee." He said.

"So not Stiles then who?" A girl with shoulder length hair said.

And I woke up I gasped for air I'm sweating like crazy.

How did I get that last one its not my memories and its after I went to hell.

I got up and I walked out of the room I walked to the one where Sam and I talked yesterday. I see Sam and Dean in there already.

"Good morning." I said brightly. Sam and Dean jumped and reached to there waist band where a gun would be or something but they stopped when they see me.

"Good afternoon Stiles." Sam said.

"You slept longer than me that's surprising I'm usually the last one awake." Dean said.

"Didn't get much sleep in hell." I said sarcastically.

"You have sarcasm like me." Dean said I scuffed.

"Ya but i got the looks from my mother obviously." I said he scuffed.

Who is your mom?" Dean asked I shrugged.

"I don't remember that much from before I went to hell just bits and pieces. I even my dreams are memories and something else." I said.

"What do you mean something else?" Sam asked.

"Well part of my dream was of Scott and Lydia in a animal clinic with some others and weird thing they said I was already in hell." I said their jaws drop.

"How is thi-" Sam was cut of by wings I turn around to see a guy in a trench coat standing there.

"Are you the one who yanked me out of hell?" I asked it was pretty obvious.

"Yes my names  Castial I'm a angel of the lord, Chuck." He said.

"Chuck?" I asked.

"Yes the lord. OK Sam, Dean, and Stiles there is a job." Castial said.

"Where?" Sam asked.

"Job? Are you guys hunters?" I asked.

"Yes." Dean said.

"Wheres the job?" Sam asked again.

"Beacon Hills, California." Castial said. I stared at him in disbelief and my jaw dropped.

"What Stiles?" Sam asked.

"I went to a school called Beacon Hills High." I said.

"Yes you lived there but there is a demon there watching your friends you need to remember." Castial said. Putting a hand on my head. I fell to my knees My mind filled the blank spots. By this time my nose was bleeding. Bad. Then it stopped I remember everything.

"What did you do to him Cas?" Dean asked.

"I made him remember." Cas said.

"Well that was fun." I said wiping my nose and standing up i almost lost my balance but I caught it before I could fall.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Are we going to go?" I asked.

"You have to wear this they cant know your back just yet." Cas told me handing me a bracelet . It had a few things on it I don't know what they are.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I had a witch put a spell on it to change your appearance but Sam and Dean have to take you to get a tattoo of a pentagram so you don't get possessed." Cas said.

"Again." I said putting my head down remembering what i did.

"Lets go get that tattoo?" Dean asked.

Lydia's P.O.V.

I feel like the connection between me and who ever this guy banshee get stronger in a matter of seconds. It makes me want to scream. 

"Cover your ears." I said to Aidan he did as I asked and I screamed louder than I ever have.  When I stopped I see Aidan on the floor covering his ears as tight as possible I bet that was 10x louder with his werewolf hearing.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SCREAM?" He yelled not meaning to. His ears are probably ringing loud. I laughed at him.

"The connection got stronger just now it made me want to scream so I screamed." I said.

"LITTLE LOUDER PLEASE?" He yelled I laughed.


"Why?" He asked in a normal tone guess his ears healed.

"I don't know." I said.

"Do you know his name yet?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"No." I said.


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