Chapter 2.

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--BAR IN MANHATTAN (Three days ago)--

My friends take me out to the latest hot spot for one last night on the town before you leave Manhattan for good. I couldn't have chosen a more perfect way to wish it farewell than a rooftop lounge looking out over the skyline.

I can't believe it's here already. I thought I'd never be leaving here, and now I'm preparing to head back to the home I've known most of my life instead.

"Come on Car! Come dance with us! You're not gone yet, so let's make a night of it. One last night before you head home to snoozeville!" Julia squeals.

I roll my eyes and laugh, but she's right. This may be the last chance I have to truly be in my own element and cut loose.

I let her pull me onto the dance floor and I get lost in the music. I feel such joy being with my friends in the city you love. Julia hands me another shot and teasingly pushes it up to my mouth. I laugh and take it, knowing I'll probably regret this in the morning. My friend Liz brings over two more for each of us and I toss those back as well.

"I'm going to hate ya'll tomorrow!" I fight back the urge to gag.

"YA'LL! Would you listen to that? I'm going to miss that crazy accent more than anything," Liz teases.

They laugh, and we dance as the band plays.

Julia winces and looks down to the floor. "I'm going to go sit for a second. My feet are killing me! You girls coming?"

"We will meet you after this song. You go ahead!" Liz says, still dancing.

As Julia disappears through the crowd, Liz suddenly frowns. "Ugh, I don't know why I agreed to hold her phone all night. It's been buzzing all night long and it's driving me nuts. I'm going to take it to her. I'll be right back. Don't move!"

Before I can say anything Liz disappears into the crowd, leaving me alone on the floor. I turn to leave when I collide into a tall figure. I look up to meet a pair of piercing blue eyes looking down at me, and two strong hands at my waist to steady me. "Oh no! I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz. I was just trying to get through to sit down with my friends. I didn't even see you there."

He laughs before his surprised gaze turns into a flirtatious smirk. "Well that definitely doesn't help my ego any. But I have to admit, I noticed you the moment you walked in." He smiles down at me and I feel as if he can see right through me. The heat in my cheeks begins to rise.

The alcohol must be going to my head. Why can't I get my thoughts together? Has he been watching me??

I stumble over my words. "No I didn't mean that I wouldn't have noticed you. I mean...look at you."

What is wrong with you?! Why would you say that out loud?

"I just meant that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm sorry for bumping into you. Hi...My name's Caroline. " I smile and try to take a second to regain my composure.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Caroline. I'm Adrian. If you dance with me I'll gladly forgive the intrusion." His lips curl into a smile and I can't help myself. It's like gravity is pulling me into him. I nod and allow him to place his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart leaps and I feel as if I've been shocked by a bolt of lightning. As we move to the music, the rest of the crowd seems to fade away. His crystal blue eyes seem as if they're seeing me for who I truly want to be. His grip around my waist tightens as he pulls me tighter against his strong body, and my breath catches at the closeness. My eyes flutter down to break his gaze, and I look away.

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