Chapter 12.

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I thank Liz for staying with me and we both leave as I head back to hospital. My stomach is in knots as I walk into the waiting room.

Lucy is sitting there waiting for me. "Hello dear, are you ready to give it another try?"

I steel my nerves and smile. "What can it hurt right?"

We walk into the room and he's watching the television. He looks up and sees Lucy ahead of me and gives her a warm smile. As I walk in behind her, the smile drops. My heart aches at the site of his cold look.

Nothing's changed.

I choose to try anyway, hoping it can help. "Good morning Adrian. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine other than a splitting headache and several broken bones. But thank you for asking." I wince as he snaps back at me. His eyes could cut me to my core.

"Adrian Preston, I did not raise you this way. That is not how you speak to someone just looking to help you. She's just concerned for you. You know this girl, whether your memory says so or not. You can't treat her this way." Lucy's voice is firm but loving.

I know she means well, but I can't help but let a tear fall. "It's ok Lucy. If he doesn't remember me he doesn't remember me. The doctor said he'd be agitated, so I..."

"I'm agitated because you both are talking like I'm not here. I've said I don't know you. What more do you want from me?" His words are nearly snarling.

I feel heat rising in my cheeks and I try to suppress the anger filling me. He cuts another glare at me and I feel myself give into it. "Damnit, Adrian. Quit being such an ass to me. I get that you're going through a lot right now, and that you're in pain. That doesn't give you the right to treat me like this. You know me, and better yet, I think you love me. But I won't stay here and beat myself up while you don't." I let the angry tears fall before storming out of the room.

Lucy rushes out behind me after I hear her scolding him. "Caroline, honey, don't worry. He's just not himself right now. I'm so sorry he's being so awful. This is so unlike him. He'll be ok. I'll let you know if when something changes ok? Don't worry."

I smile and give her a hug. "Thank you Ms. Preston."

Lucy smiles before turning to head back into the room. I decide to head back to Adrian's apartment and the emptiness feels like it's going to suffocate me.

I can't just sit around feeling sorry for myself. It is what it is. I just have to hope that he gets better.

I decide to start cleaning to keep myself occupied and distract from the angry and upset emotions coursing through me. By the end of the evening, the apartment is spotless again and I smile at my achievement.

Well that's better. I'm beat. I think it's time to shower and hit the bed.

I clean myself up and rash into the large King sized bed. I feel myself drifting off to sleep before my head hits the pillow.

Three days go by with no word from Lucy other than 'No change'. I feel my heart ache more and more as I begin to realize this could take longer than I thought.

This could take a month, or even a year, if at all. I can't sit around here hoping and waiting. Eventually he will come home and he won't want me here if he doesn't remember me.

I begin preparing myself mentally to try and leave for home when my phone buzzes.


"Hello dear. I wanted to update you on Adrian. They're letting him come home today. I hate to ask, but I have to go back upstate for a few days to get some things in order. A live in nurse can't be there until next week, and someone has to stay with him because of his head injury. I know it's not ideal, but do you think you can stay with him until the nurse comes or I can get back to stay with him?"

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