Chapter 11.

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I feel myself gently woken by a soft touch on my shoulder.

My eyes flutter open to see the face of a slightly older woman with a kind smile and familiar piercing blue eyes.

She has to be Adrian's mother. Their eyes are identical.

The woman speaks softly. "Hello dear, I believe you're Caroline? I'm Lucy, Adrian's mother." She's holding a cup of coffee and offers a strained smile.

I return the expression and gladly take the cup. "Yes ma'am. Thank you so much. How's our patient?"

She nods. "He's doing better I think. They say he should be waking up soon. I came to get you so you could be there when he does. I know he'll want to see you. I've told them you're family."

I show a sad smile and stand, stretching from a long night of discomfort. She leads me to Adrian's room and instantly tears fill my eyes. He's unconscious and hooked up to several tubes and machines, lying motionless. I notice the deep cuts across his face, his ribs are wrapped, and his right leg is wrapped and propped up. My breath catches in my throat painfully. He looks so helpless. A nurse comes in and explains that they're going to try and remove some of the tubes and that they expect him to wake up with some pain and confusion. They want us to prepare, not knowing exactly what to expect.

Lucy grabs my hand and squeezes with a comforting look. "He will be ok. I know it."

As they begin to remove the machines, I see his arm twitch and my heart jumps.

The nurse speaks reassuringly, but matter of fact. "That's a good sign. He should wake up soon. We will be back in just a moment."

As they leave the room, I walk over to his bedside and grab his hand. After what feels like an eternity, his eyes slowly flutter open before looking around the room wildly. I squeeze his hand to let him know I'm there and lean forward, placing my hand on his cheek to comfort him. He looks over to me with a surprised expression as he registers my face.

"Oh Adrian, I'm so glad you're ok. I was so worried. You're ok now. It's ok." I stroke his arm and give him a tearful smile.

He tenses against my touch and withdraws his hand. I look into his eyes with confusion, searching for that look full of love he left me with.

He looks over to see his mother and his expression softens. "Mom, what's going on? What happened?"

My heart stings as he dismisses my hand.

"Adrian, darling, you were in a very bad car accident. You're in the hospital now. You're ok and the doctor will be back in just a moment. Did you not see Caroline dear?" Lucy motions toward me with a tight smile.

He looks over at me and I give him a worried smile. "How are you feeling?"

His distant blue stare is blank and my heart aches. "Mom, who is this girl?"

This can't be happening. Tell me this isn't happening.

I look to Lucy and her face is strained. My stomach drops and I pull my hand back defensively. "Adrian, it's me, Caroline. Do you not remember?"

He shakes his head and looks back to his mother.

Lucy speaks smoothly, keeping her voice steady. "Darling, I believe Caroline is your girlfriend from what you've told me. You really don't recognize her?"

Adrian's blue eyes turn back to me in confusion. "I'm sorry miss, but I don't know who you are. I think I would remember having a girlfriend, especially one I'd tell my mother about."

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