Chapter 4.

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Could this night get any worse? After everything he said, he's leaving with her.

I feel stinging tears begin to well up before furiously wiping them away.

No. I won't do this. He doesn't remember you Caroline. Grow up. What else is new, Emma gets the guy. It's fine. You're used to it.

I move away from the car, hoping they don't see me but I hear a slurred feminine voice call my name. Wincing, I turn around.

"Carrrr! Oh my gosh, where have you been? You missed all the fun! This handsome man is taking me home though, so I'll see you later. Is that Luke's car?" Emma squeals slurring before pausing to realize that I'm standing next to Luke's car.

My brain is filled with too many questions as I absorb what she's saying. My eyes catch Adrian's and he has an odd look I can't quite place.

Is he jealous? No, it can't be. He's got Emma anyway, so I should just make my way home.

"Um, yes it is. He decided to walk home so I was just returning his car for him to get later." I try to convey my lie confiendtly.

"Why were you with him in the first place? Did you leave together?" Emma's face shows her jealousy before covering it up, and focusing back on Adrian.

Her hand makes its way up his chest before caressing his shoulder. "Let's get out of here. Car, I'll see you tomorrow."

I begin to walk away when his voice stops me in my tracks. He's talking to me, but it's distant. "How are you going to get home?"

"Oh I'm fine. I don't live far from here. I walked actually." I wave dismissively and attempt to leave before he speaks again.

"I can't let you walk home. Hop in and I'll get you home."

Emma lets out a huff and rolls her eyes. "She's fiiiine. She does this every time. She walks home, and I go... somewhere else."

She giggles at her dig and I see him squeeze her arm tighter. His shoulders are tense and his face is focused on me, his eyes staring intensely into mine.

"I'm afraid I must insist."

I meet his look and feel myself give in. How could I say no to those eyes? "Ok. It's really not far. It won't take long and you two can be on your way."

I hop into the back of the black sporty car. Sitting behind Emma, I see her hands are beginning to roam across Adrian's body. I try to keep my eyes pointed out the window, but I think I see him remove them as they make their way up his leg.

Not missing a beat, she coos seductively, "After we drop her, we can head to my place. It's just around the corner, so it won't take but a minute."

"Where is it?" Adrian says, eyes straight forward.

"Just up that way. It's the blue one on the corner there. "

I feel the car slow and look up to see Emma's house. Surprised, I look over to see Adrian opening the door to get out.

"No! This is my house. Car's is around the corner at the end of the street." Emma slurs hurriedly.

Adrian smiles tensely at her before gently pulling her to get out of the car. He flips the seat forward to allow me to climb into the passenger seat.

"I'm afraid this is where I leave you. I offered to take you home, not go home with you." His voice is firm as he holds her at a distance.

Slipping out of his reach, Emma's hands reach around his waist, but are quickly removed.

"Why do the cute ones always play hard to get?" She flips her hair before leaning to my window. "Night Car."

I flash a tired smile at her. After depositing Emma on her doorstep, Adrian gets back into the car and pulls away. The tension is thick, and I can feel his annoyance, but we remain silent.

Maybe he wasn't interested in her after all. She seemed pretty certain of it though.

I point down the street, speaking softly. "My house is just up there on the left, at the end of the street. I'm sorry to bother you."

Adrian pulls up to the house and stops the car, leaving the engine running. His hands rake through his hair.

He seems frustrated.

He lets out a sigh and turns to me. "Your friend is very persistent."

I let out a hollow laugh, not sure what to make of his comment. "Well, that's Emma. If she sees something, she goes after it. Whether you're willing now or later, if she wants you then she will get you. She always does."

I laugh uncomfortably, knowing it's true, and my eyes meet Adrian's. He's not laughing, and looking intently back into my eyes.

"I was not taking her home. I could tell she was getting too drunk and offered her a ride home. She interpreted it the wrong way, or was hoping she could change my opinion on the way there."

I roll my eyes sarcastically, teasing his efforts. "I'm impressed you resisted, but thank you for getting us both home safely. I really should get inside. It's been a long day, and an even longer evening."

I move to open the car door, but feel his strong hand on my arm, freezing me in place. I can't move, and can't bring myself to look him in the eye, so I just wait.

"Look at me please, Caroline," he says softly.

My eyes make their way to meet his and I feel an ache deep in my heart.

How could he not remember this? I thought I could feel how he felt, and him me. I thought we shared something so real. He has such a hold on me after one night.

I can't stand to hold his gaze any longer, or the pain will overcome me. I pull my eyes away.

"I need you to know, I was just trying to be a gentleman to her tonight. I had no intention of going home with her." He speaks with frankness, trying to convince me.

"Adrian, you don't have to worry about me. I'm the last person who should be offering up judgment. I get it."

"No, Caroline. You don't understand," he urges.

Finally letting my emotions get the best of me, I snap at him. "I get it ok? I have to go inside."

He looks hurt at my tone, and I instantly regret letting myself give in to the frustration.

I make an effort to smooth my words. "I'm sorry. It's just been...a very long couple of days. Thank you for the ride Adrian."

I tear my eyes away from his and move again to get out of the car, but his hand lingers on my arm.

Under his breath, I hear him speak something quietly. "If you're going to walk around with eyes like that, don't look away."

My heart drops.

Does he remember me after all? No, I think I misheard him. He couldn't have said that. It must have been the alcohol playing tricks on me.

My voice comes out in a whisper. "What did you say?"

He shakes his head and lets go of me like my skin is on fire. "Nothing. I'm sorry. Goodnight Caroline."

I get out of the car and walk to my front porch, using every bit of restraint not to turn around and look at him. I feel him watching me as I get to the door. Tears prick at my eyes, threatening to fall.

Don't let him see you cry.

With one last ounce of resolve, I open it and walk inside. I head straight for my room and crash into my bed, burying my face into my pillow as the tears finally break through the barrier I'd been holding together all night. I let the gentle sobs rock me to a restless sleep as events from the night overwhelm me. Finally, sweet darkness takes me.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! This was more of a filler instead of extending into a very long chapter! They will grow as the story progresses. Thanks for reading!

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