Chapter 17.

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Luke slaps me hard and I see spots as his hand connects. I feel my knees buckle beneath me, but Nick holds me steady on my feet. I hear Emma crying my name and I stand back fully onto my feet.

I have to get us out of this. Emma's a wreck. I don't know how I can get us away from them.

I straighten myself to look directly into Luke's eyes and give my strongest glare. "What kind of man are you? You can't even handle one woman on your own, so you need help pinning her down? You're disgusting." I raise my arm to hit him and he catches it, anticipating my movement.

He shoves Nick away and pushes his body fully against mine, grabbing my chin hard to look up at him. "Oh, I don't need any help. That I can assure you."

I break away from him and run toward Emma, but feel a hand catch in my hair. I let out a cry before a large hand clamps down on my mouth to silence me. Luke slams me back against the wall, my head thudding hard against the brick.

He holds his hand hard over my mouth, muffling my painful cries. "Do you think I'm an idiot? You're not that smart Caroline. Let me break it down for you so you understand. You aren't leaving here until we're good and ready for you to."

I bite down on his hand and he lets out a yell before pushing his elbow against my throat. I let out a cough, gasping for air and tears begin to fall.

I don't think I can stop him. I'm not strong enough. I'm sorry Emma.

He looks at me with eyes full of lust and anger. "I think it's time we finished what we started don't you?"

He kisses me hard and I yelp at the pain from when he hit you. His body pushes against me and I feel his hand move up my front and yank the flimsy strap of my dress down, exposing my bare breast. His hand makes its way down my waist and to my thigh, pulling the hem of my skirt up above my hips. I feel my underwear ripped and he pushes harder against me. It feels as if every breath is being choked out of me. With a surge of adrenaline, I push him off of me and break free before someone trips me causing me to fall face first. I look up to see Nick staring down at me with a smirk. I look over to see Travis holding Emma against the wall as she's fighting and kicking him away.

Please someone hear us.

Luke lunges down to me and yanks my head back. "I wanted to do this the easy way you know, just you and me like two normal adults that night. But you had to be a tease and then stole my car. Now you're here and it's just too good to be true."

He rolls me over and looks up at Nick who's smirking. "You know I was going to do this on my own, but I think you've earned a second pair of hands for punishment. Nick, grab her wrists. When I'm done you can get in."

I begin to kick and writhe trying to break free, but between the two of them, I'm stuck. I can't break from Nick's hands and he presses his full body weight down on my wrists. I cry out in pain. I hear Emma scream and kick against Travis as his hands roam her body.

I don't know how much longer we can hold them off. I think we're out of time.

I let out a loud scream for help, hoping to distract Travis long enough for Emma to get away. Luke pushes his arm down hard against my ribcage and I feel the breath pushed out of me. I'm pinned and there's nowhere else for me to go.

Sucking in a deep breath, I scream at him, hatred dripping from every word. "Get off of me or get it over with you coward."

I hear his belt unbuckle and I brace, my body frozen as I wait for it to be over. I hear a loud thud and Luke eyes snap around to look over and see that someone is attacking Travis, but it's too dark to see anything more.

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