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Liked by (a)hannahbedal (a)willpulisic and 19,491 others

(a)cmpulisic She's already taking my stuff 😂 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

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(a)hannahbedal 😜 Get used to it babe!
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)hannahbedal I can deal 😘

(a)17chrispuli22 Awwwwww. Hannah looks really pretty and quite cozy!

(a)jermainejunior That's massive on you (a)hannahbedal 😂😂😂
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)jermainejunior Yup! It's so comfy!
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)jermainejunior (a)hannahbedal 😂😂 It is but it's cute

(a)gillianemurphy (a)hannahbedal Girl you look ridiculous 😂😂😂
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)gillianemurphy But at least I'm not cold!

(a)yedlinny Thank god you didn't use another cliche caption
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)yedlinny 😂😂😂 I can come up with one!
↘️↘️ (a)mpulisic (a)cmpulisic (a)yedlinny No you can't! I came up with the one about the pink wall! 😂🙄 Give me credit man!

(a)timhow1 That's way too big for you (a)hannahbedal! That jacket would fit me!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 Barely. You're a damn giant T!
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 (a)hannahbedal You should've seen the smile on her face when she put it on 😍😍😂

(a)chrisismyman 😒😒😒
↘️ (a)pulifanatic22 (a)chrisismyman Go away

(a)kelleypulisic Proud of the gentleman I've raised
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)kelleypulisic ❤️

(a)geoffcameron Get used to it!
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)geoffcameron I am used to it. (a)mpulisic and (a)deedee_pulisic are always taking my things 🙄 Don't mind with Hannah though 😊
↘️↘️ (a)mpulisic (a)cmpulisic (a)geoffcameron (a)deedee_pulisic Not always. And I'm better cuz I return your stuff washed and folded

(a)christannahfans This is so cute! Hannah looks adorable in Christian's jacket!

(a)alebedoya (a)hannahbedal you look so stupid 😂😂
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)alebedoya (a)hannahbedal Leave my girlfriend alone!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)alebedoya Just like your face!

(a)jermainejunior m What the heck (a)hannahbedal?! You're like 5'! 😂
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)jermainejunior Excuse you I am 5'2" 😂

(a)mistyonpointe I think we at (a)abt need to get these
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)mistyonpointe (a)abt I would agree!

(a)willpulisic Hahah aw
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)willpulisic I know right

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