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US Soccer Family News: Christian Pulisic and Hannah Bedal Welcome Baby Girl Ivy Elizabeth Pulisic.
Posted August 22, 2018
By: Jessica Lockhead

Christian Pulisic and Hannah Bedal shocked us all two days ago when they announced that Ivy Elizabeth Pulisic was born on August 16, 2018. We were all shocked because back in March, Pulisic and Tim Howard revealed that Bedal has miscarried after being run over a car while crossing the street.

Pulisic and Bedal opened their Colorado home up to US Soccer and discussed their new baby girl and life since the accident. US Soccer posted the video on to their website. We've summarised the main points, and the link is down below.


Pulisic and Bedal's house in Denver is a bit smaller than their house in Dortmund, but it's just as lovely. Pulisic greeted US Soccer representative, Alexander Jolder. Bedal was in a USA training jersey with leggings as she was curled up on the couch with Ivy in her arms. Ivy was wearing a little dress with a flower headband and little shoes. Pulisic sat down next to her in a US Soccer training jersey and joggers. Jolder sat opposite them in an arm chair.

1. Hannah Bedal did miscarry in March

Jolder got straight to the point—the elephant in the room—everyone thought she has miscarried. Bedal said that yes, she did miscarry from the blunt impact of the car hitting and then running over her. Pulisic said that when they went to the clinic to remove the baby from her womb, they found out that she was still pregnant.

"Yeah. Twins. We had no idea. Our doctor had no idea. We found out that the baby who tragically passed away had been blocking the view of the second twin," Pulisic said.

"We were shocked—flabbergasted. But we were also so excited. This pregnancy was a total surprise, but being parents was something we wanted, so we were thrilled that we were still having a baby," Bedal added.

2. Why they didn't tell

They decided after telling and having Bedal he hit by a car, they wouldn't tell the world they were still expecting—fearing something else could happen to their remaining daughter.

"Yes Kauffmann's trial did happen. We found out she ran Hannah over after finding out we were expecting. That's the main reason we decided not to tell that we still were expecting," Christian explained.

"The two of us have decided to take a step back and not share as much of our personal lives after what happened. We're very protective," Bedal agreed as Pulisic gently took Ivy.

3. How the last five months have went

The couple talked about the last five months away from the camera. Pulisic has shared pictures from his football, and Bedal shares the occasional picture of Pulisic's games, but they haven't shared as much about their personal lives.

"The last five months have been great," Bedal shared with a smile, "Chris has just been wonderful. We took a babymoon before I wasn't allowed to fly anymore. Tim, Maggie, and DeeDee threw us a wonderful baby shower. It's been really great for us."

"Yeah obviously March and April were rough, but our families worked really hard to make the last several months of the pregnancy go as smoothly as possible. We had a great family baby moon, and yeah. Overall, it's been a positive experience."

4. Bedal will be staying in Denver for a while longer before joining Pulisic in Dortmund

Bedal revealed she wants to wait for Ivy to be a little older before she brings her to Dortmund. Pulisic will be rejoining Borussia Dortmund in just a few days. Bedal and Pulisic's twin, Maggie, are staying in Denver a while longer.

"Ivy is just so small. We want her to get a little bigger and stronger before we move her to Germany," Pulisic explained, "I'm not looking forward to being away from my girls. It's going to be different and hard."

"We aren't looking forward to you being gone either so," Bedal sighed, "but it'll be okay because I'll have Maggie, Mom, and Tim here with me. And then Maggie is flying back to Dortmund with me."

It is a very sweet video and gives us all a closer look into their lives.

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