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(a)timhow1 Thank you all for your well wishes. Hannah was doing very well with her recovery until four days ago. She woke up unable feel or move anything below the middle of her back where she had fractured her spine. It was an absolutely terrifying experience to see my baby sister like that. When she got to the hospital, we found out she was leaking spinal fluid around where her vertebrae were fractured. I'm happy to report the amazing hospital doctors were able to stop the leaking and reverse the temporary paralysis affect. Hannah's doing much better but will remain in the hospital for a few more days. It's been awful watching Hannah suffer the last couple of months, but I believe she's going to be fine now. Grateful to have the whole Pulisic family here with us. (a)deedee_pulisic (a)mpulisic (a)kelleypulisic (a)markpulisic (a)gallantchase

👥 (a)cmpulisic (a)hannahbedal

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(a)pudalfans Oh my gosh that's so scary! I'm so glad that she's doing better! Merry Christmas Tim!

(a)cmpulisic I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)cmpulisic I know Hannah loves having you here!

(a)rfbt 💔 Bonne chance Hannah!
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)rfbt Merci!

(a)everton Best wishes to you and Hannah. We love you. 💙
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)everton Thank you. We love you too 💙

(a)alehernandez All my love ❤️❤️❤️ Can't wait to come visit!
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)alehernandez Appreciate it Ale! I know Hannah is so excited. I'm so glad she's got such great friends!

(a)ussoccer_mnt Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you and Hannah, Tim. ❤️👊
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)ussoccer_mnt Thank you so much!

(a)manchesterunited Thoughts are with you and Hannah ❤️
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)manchesterunited Thank you! 

(a)christannahfans OMG I can't believe all that Hannah's been through recently 😭 I hope everything gets better.

(a)yedlinny 😭😭😭 I can't imagine how awful that must've been for you and Hannah. Love you both!
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)yedlinny Thank you

(a)robertobolle I cannot imagine how traumatic that must've been for you both. All my love. See you soon!
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)robertobolle It was awful. I've never been so scared in my entire life. We can't wait to see you!

(a)kellynacosta Hannah 😩😩😩
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)kellynacosta Hannah says she loves you!
↘️↘️ (a)yedlinny (a)timhow1 I love her too!

(a)mpulisic ❤️❤️❤️

(a)coloradorapids The Rapids family is wishing you and Hannah a merry Christmas and the best of luck.
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)coloradorapids We're so grateful. Thank you for the gift baskets!

(a)florwagner ❤️ See you soon!
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)florwagner Hannah can't wait to see you, Tam, and Ale!

(a)darlington.nagbe Unbelievable. Best wishes to Hannah on a speedy recovery. I know she'll come back fighting
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)darlington.nagbe She sure will

(a)clint_dempsey Baby Bedal 😭 How are you holding up?
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)clint_dempsey It's been hell watching Hannah suffer. I hate it. I hate it so much.

(a)mistyonpointe 💔 My god. Keeping you and Hannah in my thoughts.
↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)mistyonpointe ❤️ We appreciate it!

(a)hannahbedal posted a picture

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(a)hannahbedal Not how I planned on spending Christmas, but I'm so glad I have my people here with me. ❤️ Thank you so much for all of your well wishes. I have never been so scared in my life. Waking up and not being able to move most of your body—there's no way I can describe the terror I felt properly. But the doctors have been amazing! Thank you for taking care of me! Also a massive thank you to (a)mpulisic (a)deedee_pulisic (a)gallantchase (a)kelleypulisic (a)markpulisic for being there with me and Tim! Special thank you to my amazing boyfriend—I love you so much! I'm surrounded by so much love and support ❤️❤️❤️

👥 (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1


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