83. Insta

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A/N: I went to a BBQ last night at my former French teacher's house. She knows one of the Colorado Rapids players and invited his family. He was so nice and offered me tickets, and he said if there are players I like he can get it set up for me to get pictures and such. Obvi I'm going to properly meet my big brother, Tim Howard. I also think probably Axel Sjoberg, Sam Nicholson, and Kellyn Acosta! Anyways, now back to regularly scheduled updates!

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(a)cmpulisic Happy birthday to this baller🔥🇫🇷🇺🇸

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(a)o.dembele7 Thanks captain america 😂😂😘

(a)hannahbedal Cheesin' 😄😄😄
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)hannahbedal Always!

(a)kellynacosta You never wished me a happy birthday!
↘️ (a)yedlinny (a)kellynacosta Me either!
↘️↘️ (a)timhow1 (a)yedlinny (a)kellynacosta Same here! I'm your girlfriend's older brother! #NotSmart #ComeOnNow
↘️↘️↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 (a)yedlinny (a)kellynacosta Help me please (a)hannahbedal
↘️↘️↘️↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 (a)yedlinny (a)kellynacosta I wish everyone a happy birthday on my Snap/InstaStory soooo I don't know what to tell ya babe 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️ (a)pulifanatic22 (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 (a)yedlinny (a)kellynacosta I'm so entertained by this 😂😂😂👏🏼👏🏼

(a)mpulisic Your nose looks weird 🤔
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)mpulisic We have the same nose stupid! 🙄😂

(a)alehernandez 🇫🇷🇺🇸

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