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Liked by (a)cmpulisic (a)yedlinny and 14,026 others

(a)hannahbedal Merci beaucoup (a)rfbt! Je suis très heureuse pour l'opportunité danser pour toi! #Quadrille
Translate: Thank you so much (a)rfbt! I am so happy for the opportunity to dance for you! #Quadrille

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(a)rfbt Félicitations! Nous sommes heureuses pour toi! Bonne chance!
Translate: Congratulations! We are so happy for you! Good luck!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)rfbt Merci!

(a)timhow1 Congratulations! I'm so happy and proud of you Hannah! You're going to do amazing! You know I'll be there for opening night! I love you so much baby! ❤️❤️❤️
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 Thank you so much Tim! I know you will! I love you too Timmy! ❤️❤️❤️

↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)mistyonpointe Thank you so much Misty! Couldn't have done it without you!

(a)cmpulisic Congratulations baby girl! I'm so proud and excited for you! You're going to do amazing! See you soon! 😘😘😘
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic Thank you so much Chris! Can't wait to see you! 😘❤️

(a)yedlinny THATS MY GIRL! I KNEW YOU WOULD KILL IT! Love ya baby Bedal! 😎👸🏻
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)yedlinny Hahaha thank you so much De! Love ya too!
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)yedlinny But she's not really your girl she's mine 😂
↘️↘️ (a)yedlinny (a)cmpulisic I've known her way longer than you wonder boy
↘️↘️↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)yedlinny (a)cmpulisic Now gentlemen 😂😂
↘️↘️↘️↘️ (a)christannahfans (a)hannahbedal (a)yedlinny (a)cmpulisic This is so funny! Love them!

(a)officialdavidhall I'm so proud of you Hannah! So well deserved!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)officialdavidhall Thank you so much David!

(a)clint_dempsey Way to go baby Bedal!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)clint_dempsey Thank you so much Clint!

(a)mpulisic Congratulations Hannah! So happy for you!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)mpulisic Thank you so much!

(a)abt We're so incredibly proud of you Hannah!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)abt Thank you so much for training me so well! I wouldn't be here without all of you! I'm so grateful!

(a)kelleypulisic Congratulations Hannah!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)kelleypulisic Thank you Kelley!

(a)robertobolle So proud of you Hannah! I know you'll do great!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)robertobolle Thank you!

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