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cmpulisic replied to your story YES! Can't wait! I love you baby!

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cmpulisic replied to your story
YES! Can't wait! I love you baby!

Also yes look at that hair 😍😍😍

Humidity lol I love you too Chris!

timhow1 replied to your story
I can't believe it's already time 😪

Better believe it. You ready?

Fuck no I'm not!

I'm not ready to let you go!

I'm always gonna be your baby sister!

kellynacosta replied to your story
Damn yo hair is WILD girl 😂

Yeah yeah yeah I know. I opted for the au natural look

That was a mistake 😂

Ya know what Kellyn?! 😂😂😂

yedlinny replied to your story
I can't believe you're getting married so soon what is this?

Also first your weird pants in London and now this mane 😂

Bye De 😂🙄

(a)hannahbedal made a post

(a)hannahbedal made a post

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Liked by (a)emhoward3826 (a)mistyonpointe and 243,296 others

(a)hannahbedal Me and my girls ❤️ Thank you (a)catehurlin for planning this! Thank you (a)deedee_pulisic for the matching swim suits! #PuliInLove #Bacheloretteparty #Monaco

View 2,821 comments

(a)cmpulisic Is that a yacht in the background?!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic Yeah baby!
↘️↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)hannahbedal WTF

(a)emhoward3826 I open you're having lots of fun! We'll see you soon! I love you!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)emhoward3826 I love you too Mum!

(a)kelleypulisic Looks wonderful! See you soon!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)kelleypulisic ❤️

(a)timhow1 Can't wait! 3 days!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 You LITERALLY just said you weren't ready 😂😂😂

(a)kellynacosta Basic 😂
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)kellynacosta Adorable!

(a)robertobolle Almost time!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)robertobolle Can't believe it!

(a)antoninmonie 😃😃😃 mon amie
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)antoninmonie Mon ami tu me manques!
↘️ (a)antoninmonie (a)hannahbedal Trois jours!


cmpulisic replied to your story Uhm should I be worried?

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cmpulisic replied to your story
Uhm should I be worried?


Fuck. I'm getting Marco.

Like Marco can stop this? 😂


marcinho11 replied to your story
Hey Hannah's hair looks normal again!

Yeah I gave her a blow out

A what?! 🙈😳

Omg Marco! A blow out! Where you blow dry hair with a round brush to give it some curls! Stop being like that!

alehernandez replied to your story
What's the secret?! I feel left out!

Don't worry about it

Now that's just mean!

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