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(a)bvbwags posted a picture

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(a)bvbwags (a)hannahbedal shared this picture to her InstaStory last night! Is that a baby bump?! Also, (a)alehernandez said she was a hot mama on (a)hannahbedal 's full Instagram post, and (a)cmpulisic agreed that she is a hot mama! Is this confirmation? Let us know your thoughts!

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(a)christannahfans I hope so!

(a)pulifanatic22 I want it to be so badly! They'd have beautiful babies!

(a)cmpulisic_fans Let's all tag (a)alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam and (a)deedee_pulisic since they're close to Hannah and Christian!

(a)10chris22pulisic (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)alehernandez (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)bvbwaghannah (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)usawags (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)pulisicfamfans Hey (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)christannahfans (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)pulifanatic22 (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)chrisandhanfans (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)pulisicfans (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic (a)timhow1 alehernandez (a)mpulisic (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)deedee_pulisic

(a)alehernandez OMG (a)hannahbedal PLEASE RESPOND SO MY PHONE CAN STOP BLOWING UP!
↘️ (a)mpulisic (a)alehernandez (a)hannahbedal Me too!
↘️ (a)florwagner (a)alehernandez (a)hannahbedal HANNAH MAKE IT STOP!
↘️ (a)deedee_pulisic (a)alehernandez (a)hannahbedal Don't usually ask you to speak out, but this ⬆️ is ridiculous
↘️ (a)_its.tam (a)alehernandez (a)hannahbedal I agree.

(a)hannahbedal Yeah that's a food baby. I ate way too much at the gala. Let a girl eat! As for Ale saying I'm a hot mama, it's a joke that she is my daughter. You can all calm down now.
↘️ (a)pulifanatic22 (a)hannahbedal Dang Hannah not having any of it!

(a)hannahbedal posted a picture

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Liked by (a)coloradorapids (a)cmpulisic and 109,031 others

(a)hannahbedal What a come back (a)coloradorapids ! Always great to watch my big brother kill it!

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(a)timhow1 Great to have you in the stands Hannah! Love you so much!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 I love you too Timmy!

(a)coloradorapids Always great to have you at our games, Hannah!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)coloradorapids Thank you!

(a)cmpulisic 💯🔝
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic Trueeee!

(a)pulifanatic22 I love them 😩

(a)deedee_pulisic I had so much fun!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)deedee_pulisic Glad you were able to come!

(a)jermainejunior Nice to see you Baby Bedal!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)jermainejunior Nice to see you too!

(a)christannahfans Hope you had fun seeing Tim!

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