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Liked by (a)jermainejunior (a)mpulisic and 101,397 others

(a)hannahbedal I went with the cute proposals. So excited to have (a)mpulisic (a)deedee_pulisic (a)alehernandez (a)florwagner (a)_its.tam (a)catehurlin and (a)gillianemurphy with me when I marry my man! #tb #PuliInLove

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(a)mpulisic Can't wait! #PuliInLove
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)mpulisic 🤗❤️

(a)christannahfans This is so cute! Can't wait!

(a)deedee_pulisic So sweet! Can't wait for the wedding!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)deedee_pulisic Me either! Ugh July hurry up already!

(a)alehernandez I'm so ready for this wedding!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)alehernandez Me too 😩

(a)cmpulisic What were the other options?
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)cmpulisic The funny one about holding up my dress while I go to the bathroom and one about having to practice being a nagging wife so could I practice on my bridesmaids 😂😂
↘️↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)hannahbedal Shoulda gone with one of those 😂😂😂😂

(a)timhow1 Awww those are so cute! Alivia and Jacob can't wait for the wedding. I'm so excited too!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 Can't wait for you and mom to walk me down the aisle!
↘️↘️ (a)howardsibs (a)hannahbedal (a)timhow1 AWWWWW I can't wait for those pictures!

(a)gillianemurphy I loved it! Can't wait for August!

(a)logan.panchot Wow you really put some effort into it. I got a text from (a)cmpulisic that said hey be a groomsman 😒
↘️ (a)cmpulisic (a)logan.panchot You still said yes!
↘️↘️ (a)logan.panchot (a)cmpulisic Well yeah I wasn't gonna say no!
↘️↘️↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)logan.panchot (a)cmpulisic To be fair, I had a lot of time to think about it and get it together since I'm not dancing professionally anymore.

(a)catehurlin So excited to be part of your big day Hannah!
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)catehurlin I'm so glad you're going to be a part of it!

(a)florwagner I hope you know your present from me is a big box of condoms
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)florwagner I'd expect nothing less
↘️↘️ (a)pulifanatic22 (a)hannahbedal (a)florwagner Probably won't be needing them

(a)_its.tam Can't wait! Also you guys thought of a # so quick! Me and Erik still have no idea
↘️ (a)hannahbedal (a)_its.tam It took us a little bit to figure it out. And it was actually (a)mpulisic who came up with it!

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