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A/N: riquipuig has me SCREAMING and choking on rice. So if I don't finish this book, it's cuz I died because of Alexia.

Posted April 29, 2017
By: Lisa Augusta

10 days ago, we brought you the news that Christian Pulisic was caught cheating on girlfriend of over a year, Hannah Bedal. Today, we're bringing you the news that the girl Pulisic was spotted kissing, Kayla Kauffmann, has come forward to talk about the affair she has been having with Pulisic just a day after Pulisic shares four new picture of him and Bedal.

Kauffmann is an 18 year old Dortmund native. She is studying behavioural sciences at TU Dortmund University. Kauffmann has allegedly been seeing Pulisic for the last four months. She sat down with DailyMail in an explosive tell-all interview. We have summarised the five most important points from the interview below. The full length interview is all linked below.


1. Kauffmann and Pulisic Met Just After New Year's at the Malaga Airport

Kauffmann said that she met Pulisic at the Malaga Airport when Pulisic was there for friendlies, and she was there on vacation. She said he approached her at the airport to say hello. She recognised him as she is a massive Borussia Dortmund fan. She asked for a picture and autograph which he agreed to. She said he was very flirty and wrote down his phone number on her autograph saying "text me" with a wink before he walked away with the rest of the team.

2. Kauffmann Talked to Pulisic about Bedal

Kauffmann said that she asked Pulisic about Bedal over text message. Pulisic supposedly responded saying that the two had agreed to an open relationship once Bedal moved back to Colorado. She was very worried that the ballerina wouldn't be happy, but Pulisic assured her it would be okay.

Kauffmann said that Pulisic told her last month that he had broken up with Bedal just a few days after they celebrated their one year anniversary together. That was also when Pulisic asked Kauffmann to be his girlfriend.

Kauffmann said she was very confused when Bedal came to Dortmund with Maggie as she thought they had broken up. Pulisic told her that Bedal came to try and win him back, but it had not worked. He said he no longer loved her.

3. Kauffmann and Pulisic Have Hooked Up Multiple Times

Kauffmann when asked if she and Pulisic had slept together, she very bluntly said yes and on multiple occasions. She explained in great detail (that we will spare you) how the two of them had sex multiple times.

She expressed that he would like to have a drink before they went to bed, usually after trainings. Sometimes they would get a hotel room, sometimes they'd be at her place, but most of the time, they would be at his apartment.

She also added that the two of them had not been using condoms, and he told her to stop taking her birth control pills as he wants to be a young father. The two of them have discussed having a family together. Apparently they'd both like a boy and a girl, and they've already chosen names.

4. Pulisic Asked Kauffmann to Move In With Him

Kauffmann said that Pulisic asked her to move in with him before the Dortmund bus bombing, and she said yes, but she wanted to wait for her lease to be up. She expressed that she was incredibly excited to start her life with the footballer.

5. Kauffmann Is Pregnant

Kauffmann revealed at the end of the interview that she is pregnant with his child. She produced the most recent sonogram that she had the day before. She explained that since the pictures came out, Pulisic has stopped contacting her, leaving her incredibly confused. She begged for him to call her so they can talk about the family they are going to be having.

Wow. That's a lot. If you want to see the whole interview, here's the link again:


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