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Christian walked down the aisle with Mark and Kelley to where the priest was. His heart was racing as he saw all their friends and family there. He had never been that nervous before. He shook hands with Joshua before taking his place. His parents hugged and kissed him before going to their seats in the front row.

The sun was shining brightly. All the snow on the walkways had melted away. Snow was sparkling in the sun off the mountains in the background. Christian folded his hands and took a deep breath smiling. He was ready to see Hannah.

The music started to play as Alivia and Jacob came down the aisle together. They looked so excited to be a part of the wedding. Next, Chase and Cate came down the aisle together, pushing a decorative stroller in which Ivy was sleeping. Christian grinned seeing his brother and baby girl. Next was Logan with Gillian. Westin and DeeDee walked together before Nick and Maggie. Alexia and Kellyn, Marco and Florence, and finally Erik and Tam.

Christian swallowed hard as the music changed. He craned his neck to look for Hannah, Tim, and Esther. The breath was knocked out of his chest when he saw Tim's profile coming over the bridge. Hannah was well hidden behind Tim's taller and broader frame, but he could see her train and the veil trailing behind her.

"Oh my god," he mumbled to himself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hannah took a deep breath as Erik and Tam left through the door to walk across the bridge to where the alter was. She turned and hugged Esther tightly. She smiled as her mom gently rubbed her back. Hannah leaned her cheek into her Esther's hand as she smiled proudly at her daughter.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mom," she smiled.

"Ready?" Tim smiled at her.

"Yes," she nodded hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Hannah."

"I love you too, Timmy," she closed her eyes.

The two sibling stepped apart. Tim gently pulled the veil over her face. She smiled looking up at Tim. She laughed softly as he wiped tears away.

"I can't believe my baby sister is getting married," he laughed softly.

"Better believe it," she giggling.

The doors opened again signalling that it was time for them to head down the aisle. Hannah linked her arm through Tim's as Esther handed her the bouquet. Hannah smiles at Tim and Esther before nodding. The three of them slowly walked out the door towards the bridge.

Hannah grinned as they crossed the bridge. She was glad she had Tim there with her. He had been her rock. The two of them had always been incredibly close—even when he had been in England. There was no one else she would want to walk down the aisle with in addition to her incredibly strong mother.

As Hannah, Tim, and Esther turned the corner from the bridge, everyone came into view. But no one was more important than the man in the tuxedo at the alter. Hannah smiled widely, her eyes glued to Christian. He bent over a little putting his fingers in his eyes as he wiped tears away. As he did, Chase leaned forward and squeezed Christian's shoulder.

"That loser is crying," Tim chuckled softly.

"Shut up, Timmy; it's sweet," Hannah giggled.

"You cried when you got married," Esther reminded Tim with a laugh too.

Hannah smiled as she stared at Christian. He looked back up. A couple tears were still on his cheeks as he grinned at her. They looked gazes and smiled. Even though they were surrounded by all their friends and family, it felt like they were the only two people there. Hannah bit her lip a little as they arrived at the alter.

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