79. US Soccer Family News

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Posted May 2, 2017
By: Rachel Jones

Four days ago, the girl at the heart of the Christian Pulisic affair came forward and gave an explosive tell-all interview with DailyMail.

Today, we sat down and did a Skype interview with Christian Pulisic to hear his of the story. Hannah Bedal has remained silent on social media since her post on April 20 (see below).

Bedal via Instagram

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Bedal via Instagram

The script from our interview with Pulisic below.

Rachel Jones : Hello, Christian. How are you doing?

Christian Pulisic: Hi, Rachel. I've honestly been better. It's been a rough week and a half.

RJ: I can imagine. Kayla Kauffmann sat down DailyMail only four days ago.

CP: Yeah unfortunately she did. I had hoped she would just go away, but she didn't so here I am. It's time for the real truth to come out. This has caused to much pain and anger to my family and friends, as well as Hannah's family and friends.

RJ: We are all ears. Where would you like to start?

CP: I'll start with the fact that yes I did meet her in January at the Malaga Airport. She was one of the fans waiting to greet us there. I remember signing an autograph and taking a picture but that's it. I never gave her my phone number. The only reason I remember her is because she was in a very tight and low cut dress. She kept trying to shove her chest in my face, and I didn't appreciate it since everyone knows I'm incredibly happy dating Hannah. I thought it was really inappropriate.

RJ: You were at the Malaga Airport only a few days after you and Hannah celebrated New Year's together correct?

CP: Yes, that's correct. I was in Malaga about a week after New Year's. My family and I spent the entire Winter Break in Colorado with Hannah and Tim.

RJ: What are your feelings on the timing of this?

CP: I'm really really annoyed and bothered with the timing of this. It's always a bad time to have these kinds of rumours spread, but on top of the bus attack, it's been really rough. The team is still really shaken up about the bus attack, and it was so great to have Hannah and Maggie in Dortmund with me. Hannah went back to Colorado to continue he recovery, but Maggie is still here. That's been a huge help. It's been so hard having to come to terms with the attack—having to carry on playing soccer—and then this on top of it all. It's been so stressful. I'm so drained—mentally and emotionally. It's been awful.

RJ: I can only imagine. How is Marc doing?

CP: Marc has just been released from the hospital. We talk often. We're all shaken up over it. He's been talking to me a lot about my situation, because someone did the exact same thing to him—falsely accused him of having an affair while he was still dating Meli.

RJ: So talk to us more about the details of Kayla's interview that are incorrect.

CP: Everything she has said except for the fact that we met in Malaga, I took a picture with her, and gave her an autograph is false. I did not give her my phone number and tell her to text me. I did not ask her to move in. I did not sleep with her, and I definitely did not break up with Hannah to be with her.

And as for the pictures that started this all, I was not kissing her. I was trying to push her away. I noticed her outside the hotel, and she waved me over. I went over because I always sign autographs and take pictures with fans outside the hotel. I instantly recognised her because she was in the same dress she was in at the airport. When I got close, she began kissing me. I was able to push her off and have security take her away. I was really shaken by it, but I continued on with the pictures and autographs.

When I woke up, the pictures had blown up. They were everywhere. I immediately checked Instagram and saw that Hannah and Tim had unfollowed me and removed all our pictures together.

RJ: Yes that was something we too noticed. Have you talked to either of them?

CP: I had been talking to Tim through Mags. I actually did talk to Tim, who's currently in New York, two days ago. And I talked to Hannah yesterday.

RJ: What did Tim and Hannah have to say?

CP: He was really mad and confused. He yelled at me for a good ten minutes before I actually said anything. I hate that she did a tell-all interview. I hate that she did what she did. It's caused so much pain and confusion for so many people. I told Tim the truth. I cried, if we're being honest.

I love Hannah so much, I hate that she's being put through this. Fortunately Tim believed me and said he'd set it up so I can talk to Hannah. When I talked to Hannah, we honestly just cried, and then Hannah hung up. We're talking again tonight after the Rapid's game against New York Red Bulls.

RJ: You must be relieved.

CP: Incredibly relieved. But I won't be fully relieved until this is all over. Kauffmann has caused so many people I love and care about a great deal of stress, anxiety, and confusion, myself included. I do plan on suing her in civil court because this is just inexcusable. The timing of this has been the worst, since my team and I are still recovering and coming to terms with the fact of our bus being attacked.

RJ: This must be incredibly tough on you and your family. What have they thought and said?

CP: They clearly have stood with me. They know that none of it is true. But I feel so bad that people are giving them dirty looks and talking poorly to them. Giving me dirty looks and talking badly to me is one thing, but going after my parents and siblings is another thing; and I'm not okay with it.

RJ: That is inexcusable. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through lately.

CP: Thank you. And yeah I hate that my family is getting harassed because of some lies a girl said about me. I don't understand what made her do this, but I'm not going to sit back quietly about it.

RJ: Well thank you so much for talking with us. I hope your talk with Hannah goes well tonight.

CP: Thank you. I'll talk to you soon.

So there you have it. Pulisic has come out and said that nothing Kauffmann has said is true. Do you believe him? Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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