spin the bottle

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finn and i arrive at the party that has flashing lights and booming music. the lights were dim, and it smelled of alcohol and smoke. before i know it finns friends pull him away to wherever, so i'm left alone.

i walk into the kitchen where the drinks are. i pour myself pink lemonade with peach vodka. i lean up against the wall with my drink in hand. i just watch as i see couples make out, people dancing, and other couples walking hand in hand up the stairs. i roll my eyes and take a long sip from my cup. see someone's box of cigarettes and a fluorescent green lighter. take a cigarette and light it.

"HOW IS EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT!?!" a loud voice screams on what seems to be a microphone. i walk into a living room, to find the source of the sound. wyatt oleff is standing on a chair, with a microphone on one hand, and a red solo cup in the other.

"alright so we're gonna play a little game called spin the bottle."
everyone cheers and hollers.
"so make a circle you know the drill."

i don't normally play these games, but like i said before, these people won't even exist to me after this party, so...fuck it.

as soon as we all sit in more of an oval,  wyatt places an empty wine bottle in the middle.
"alright soooo i think...maddie should go first."
the pretty brunette playfully rolls her eyes and crawls on her hands and feet towards the bottle. she spins it, and it lands on me.

i look at her and we both shrug. she crawls over to me and her lips smack against mine. the kiss gets rougher as we hear boys hollering and whistling. she pulls away and we both laugh. she goes back to her spot, and i glance at finn who was a few spots away from her. his lips were slightly parted, and his eyes were wide. i have him a wink, and he snapped out of it, looking away.

now it was iris apatows turn to spin the bottle. when she did, it landed on finn. she kissed him roughly, with tongue, hands all over him, the whole nine yards. i scrunch my face up in disgust and take a hit from my cigarette and a sip from my cup.

eventually it's my turn to spin the bottle, so i hold my cup and keep my cigarette between my lips as i spin it. it lands on a baby-faced blonde boy who's cheeks turned red when he looked up at me. i laugh and crawl over to him. i take the cigarette out of my mouth and hold it between my index finger and middle finger, and place that hand on his cheek, and pull him in. he wasn't the best kisser, but that's okay. i pulled away, and sat back down in my seat.

after a few more people went, the game died down. i sit on a couch in a smaller room where there's not a lot of people. i sit next to two girls who seemed to be in the middle of a conversation, so i stayed quiet. there stood the blonde boy from before, and he wouldn't stop staring at me from across the room, and even with dim lights i could see that his face was as red as a tomato.

after a few seconds of feeling extremely uncomfortable sitting there in silence as the boy stares at me, i walk over to him.

"hi." i show a toothy smile.
"oh uh h-hi." he stumbles over his words, and its kinda cute.
"you uh, like the party?" i ask over the music.
"i guess, i'm just here for a friend." i nod at his response. after a second of silence between us, i continue.
"i'm millie brown, by the way." i hold out my hand for him to shake it, and he does.
"i'm jack. uh-anderson." i giggle at how nervous he his.
"do you want me to get you a drink?" he asks, and i nod in response as he walks into the kitchen, out of sight.

jack and i talked for maybe 10 minutes, and i felt a little dizzy.

did he slip me something?

"hey um...i think i'm gonna go." i say, slurring my words.
"oh okay do you want me to drive you?" he asks.
"no i uh, i came here with someone." i say.
i'm becoming more and more dizzy by the second. i get up, stumbling over into the kitchen. my sight flashes black almost like a warning that i'm going to pass out.

i'm trying to find finn, but i can't. i use the walls for balance, until i reach a room that looks like a dining room. there was finn up against the wall, roughly making out with iris. i roll my eyes and walk over to him.

"finn can you take me home? i don't feel so good i think someone slipped something in my drink. i'm really dizzy." i don't want it to sound like i'm begging, but i really want to get out of here. the air is thick with smoke and that makes it worse.

he pulls away from iris and scoffs.
"no, get a ride from someone else." he goes back to kissing iris.

"but finn-"
he cuts me off.
"oh my fucking god just leave! walk for all i care, or have charlie pick you up. it's not my fault a guy slipped you something, that's on you...slutty millie."


a tear rolls down my face, and i storm out. 'slutty millie' is what they called me last year.

i walk out of the house and headed for the sidewalk. my vision gets worse by the second. after a few minutes of walking, i decide to sit down on the edge of someone's grass with my knees bent up. start to cry more, partly because of how sick i feel, and because of how much of a dick finn was.

i'm even dizzier than before, so i call charlie. "hey charlie i...i n-need um..."

everything goes dark.

oof finn

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