it'll be okay

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this chapter is kinda short, but this is just a finn chapter.
it's not the happiest, but i promise you there will be some happy stuff coming up in the next couple chapters;)


it's been about a week since millie and i have made up. i'm glad we did, because i really did miss her.

i sit in my room alone, fiddling with my guitar. i was planning on bringing millie to one of my band practices for the band i'm in. we're called 'calpurnia.' ayla, jack, and malcom are my best friends aside from charlie.

they get me through everything.

two knocks on my bedroom door echo throughout my room along with my guitar.

"come in." i say, without looking away from the neck of my guitar where my fingers dance among the strings.

my door slowly widens to reveal my mom, hunched over, covering her eye with the back of her hand.

"hey hun, there's a kid who just moved next door, i think it'd be nice if you went over there to say hi."

her words fly right over my head as i slightly tilt my head at the sight of her covering her eye.

"why is your hand covering your eye?" i ask.

she freezes. "i-i-um..." she quietly stumbles over her words as i get up and move closer to her. i take her wrist and pull her hand away from her face to reveal a purple bruise surrounding her eye.

"did dad do this?" i ask angrily.
she looked at me in the eyes, not saying anything. i push past her, and head down the stairs, into the kitchen where my dad stood, drinking coffee.

"what the fuck?!" i ask, expecting him to know what i'm talking about.
he scoffs, "what's your deal?"
"tell me why the fuck you hit mom again?!" i ask. he shrugs, which only makes me angrier.

i walk over to him, and i smack the coffee mug out of his hands, causing the glass to hit the wood floor, going everywhere. i look at him dead in the eyes, and before i knew it, i'm being thrown up against the wall next to the fridge.

"don't you fucking dare talk to me like that. and don't you fucking dare act like that around me ever again, you understand?!" every time he speaks, my face gets drenched in saliva.

i ignore him, and try to push him off of me.

he pushes me harder into the wall the more i resist. i'm kicking my feet around as he lifts me up further by my neck, causing me to struggle for air.

"stop!!" my mom screams desperately. he ignores her, and my vision starts to flash before my eyes.

i finally build up the strength to rip his hands off of me, and take my moms hand and run. he's right behind us, so i say 'run to my car' to my mom and she runs faster. i turn around, grabbing the lamp from the table i was about to pass. i smash it across my fathers head before he went falling to the floor.

i widen my eyes at the sight, but then i run.

as soon as i get to the car, my mom is on the phone with who i assume is 911.

after she makes the call, she breaks down. harder than i've ever seen her cry before. i reach over the center console and bring her into a hug. she doesn't turn, but my left arm is stretched across her chest, and the other is around her back. she holds my arm that is across her chest, and cries into it.

"it'll be okay." i'm crying now, into her shoulder.

the police arrive, and put my now-conscious father in handcuffs, dragging him to the police car.

my mom is being questioned by police officers, and pretty soon it'll be my turn.

i wonder what the neighbor thinks of us now.

my dad got an email the other day saying that he might have won two tickets to the "attila" and "suicide silence" concert that's going on tonight, but he wouldn't find out until today.
i still have no answer and i'm slowly going insane.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now