she's beautiful

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g e t r e a d y
warning: this chapter has some uh sexual content; i know makeout scenes are sexual but this one is a lil more. you can skip this chapter if you don't want to read it.
they don't have sex or anything i just went a little further with it this time.
if you have a problem with the way this chapter is written, please don't leave hate, just contact me individually and we can work things out.
i think the beginning is pretty cute though.
<3 enjoy!


we walk into the hotel, and walk up to the front desk.

"um we'd like to get a room?" i say.

the woman with hair and glasses from the 80's chews her gum obnoxiously and blows a big bubble before turning to face me.

"one bed or two." she says more of a statement. she seems like a very impatient person.

"one is.." i glance at millie. her face is already pink after those two little words. she nods assuringly, and i turn back to the woman.
"one is fine." i finish, and she raises her eyebrows at us, blowing another bubble.

after she gives us the key and room number, we head to the elevator, pressing buttons that would lead us to our room.

we walk in silence, finally reaching the room.

"oh...i don't have any other clothes." she says. i glance down at what i'm wearing, and i don't have anything other than what i'm wearing either.
"i have some extra cash, want to go to the gift shop and grab some stuff?" i ask. she smiles, and nods.


we get to the gift shop, and it's filled with detroit sweatshirts, t shirts, and sweatpants. i just grab a t shirt and a pair of joggers, and millie grabs a sweatshirt and joggers.

i pay for our stuff, and we notice the vending machines. millie and i look at each other at the same time, and start to jog over to them.

she presses her index finger on her chin in thought. i smile at her concentration while she presses the button for skittles.

we take our candy up to our room, and i take the phone.

"what do you want?" i ask, looking over to millie.
"can we just order pizza?" she asks, and i nod.

i put down the room phone and pick up my own. i dial little ceasers, and order a cheese pizza.

we sit in silence for a moment, looking around the room.

"did you mean what you said earlier today?" i ask, shattering the silence.
she looks up, her full attention on me.
"of course." she says. "why wouldn't i?" she asks.
i shrug my shoulders lazily.

i do love her. i just hope she loves me too. but for real.

she gets up from sitting on the chair in the corner and sits next to me on the bed.
"i love you, finn. i don't care how many times i have to say it to you, okay?" she says, and it makes my heart warm.

i smile, and i nod. i stare into her eyes, and she stares into mine. we're leaning into each other, eating at the space between us. she pushes forward, smashing her lips onto mine.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now