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i wake up in my bed to ray of sunlight beaming down on my face. i roll out of bed and see that i'm in the same clothes as last night.
i grab a pair of gray shorts and a black crewneck sweatshirt from my drawer and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

once i'm out, i walk down the stairs and see charlie making coffee.
he snaps his head to me, and a look of worry flashes over his face. he pulls me into a tight hug.

"what happened last night?" he whispers into my hair.
i pull away.
"i think this guy slipped me something in my drink. i tried leaving but finn basically told me to fuck off. i guess i passed out while i was walking."

his face turns soft, quickly then turns into anger.
"who was the guy? do you know?" he asks, demanding for an answer.
"his name was jack? i think? i don't remember his last name. it might've started with an 'a?'"
"was it anderson?"
"uh yeah that sounds about right."
his face turns away from me.
"that fucking-"

he pauses, turning back to me.
"but why didn't finn take you home?"
he asks.

"i told him that i felt dizzy and he told me to get a ride from you. he said that it 'wasn't his fault' that someone slipped me something. he called me slutty millie. i don't know i don't really care anymore." i lie, accidentally showing that my feelings are still a little hurt.

"oh my god." he snarls.
before i know if he's out the door, driving away.


i feel a little bad for what i said to millie last night. but i was drunk. i mean sure i may have gone a little far, but she was on my ass and it was annoying as hell.

i sit up against the wall on my bed, in my room. the cold wall presses against my bare back while the cold metal of my guitar presses against my bare stomach.

as i mess around with my guitar playing different chords and melodies, i start to think about iris.

she's mad hot, and a really good kisser. i might ask her out. i mean, she gave me her number, so why not.

i jump when my bedroom door swings open, hitting the wall. charlie stands in the doorway, looking like he's going to explode with rage.

"seriously man? my sister? why do you always have to be a dick to her? i mean you're never like that around other girls. it's just millie. why?!"

"i'm sorry dude i just hate her! i'm sorry if that's too difficult for you to hear, but believe it." i shoot back, without the intention of sounding as harsh as i did.

he stares at me with disbelief.
"you hate her so much to the point where you send her to walk home by herself in the dark to pass out on the sidewalk?"


"is she...okay?" i ask.
he scoffs, shaking his head.
"like you care."
and with that, he leaves.

i run after him, and he jumps into his car. i rush to the drivers side of the car, and he rolls down his window.

"how can i make it better?" i ask.
"i'm the last person you should ask that to. you need to apologize. but not to me." he says, and drives away.

this one was short. i hope that's okay.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now