walk in the city

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no ones reading this:(
anyway, this is probably my favorite chapter.
kind of a long chapter though.


millie slept over last night. mom didn't mind, thank god.

i'm already awake, but she's still asleep. her head rests on my bare chest, hugging it. i can only see a little bit of her face, and her lips are slightly parted and her eyelashes are curled perfectly upward while her eyes are closed.

i smile at the sight, and kiss her on the top of her head. she shifts a little, waking up. i've noticed she's a really light sleeper.

"hey sleepy head." i say, still smiling.
she hums in response, laying her head back down.
"come on you should probably get up, it's already noon." i lightly laugh, glancing at my alarm clock.

she lifts her head up, rubbing her eyes with her hands. i lean down, and peck her lips.

an idea flashes across my mind.

"do you want to take a little walk in the city?" i ask.

we live a few miles away from detroit, so i think it'll be fun.

"i've never been." she says cautiously.
"what really?" i ask.
she nods embarrassingly.
"come on." i say, getting out of bed. i stretch my arm out for her hand.

"there's a concert tonight. aaand we're going." i say. she grabs my hand and a smile along with a confused look.

"who's playing?" she asks, as we walk out of my room and down the stairs. when i don't answer her, she tugs my arm, making me stop and turn around laughing.

"tell meee!" she says in between laughs.
"okay okay. there are these three bands that my brother and i listened to when we were kids. they are 'movements,' 'spendtime palace' and 'pup.'" i say.

she raises her eyebrows and smiles.

"we can go to your house and you can get ready." i say. she nods, smiling again.


i change into black jeans with a grey sweater. i slide on my checkered slip on vans with my black socks poking out as millie and i walk out the door. she's in one of my bigger t shirts, and it goes down to her knees.

i wonder what charlie will think.


i'm excited for today.

but i'm praying charlie is okay with everything.

we reach my house, and i get out of the car. i gasp when i realize what i'm wearing, and i shrug it off.

"should i go in too?" finn asks, and i shake my head.
"no, i'll explain everything." i close the car door, and head into my house.

"charlie? where are you?" i ask, my voice echoing throughout the house.
"in here." his voice comes from the kitchen, so i walk in.

"hey." i say, walking over to him. he's sitting at the island on a stool, eating a sandwich. he furrows his eyebrows and looks at me up and down.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now