fuck off

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i sit at the dining room table eating a frozen dinner when charlie comes through the front door. he leans up against the door and stares at the floor.

"where did you go?" i ask.
"why? what did you say?"
"just that he shouldn't treat you like that." he responds simply.
"i can fight my own battles, charlie." i snap.
"i was mad, okay?" he meets my eyes, and he shows anger and concern in them.

i roll my eyes and strut up the stairs. once i reach my room, i slam my door harder than i wanted to. i run my hands through my hair in frustration.

charlie doesn't like it when people call me names. it's one thing for a stranger to call me something, but it's another when his own best friend says it. he's always been protective of me, especially after everything that happened last year.

he hated it when i was bullied. he hated the nicknames, including 'slutty millie.' it's not that clever of a nickname, but it summed up about 50% of last year.

i open my bedroom door to go to the bathroom. but before i reach the bathroom, i hear the front door open and close.

"where is she?"
it's finn.
"she's upstairs." charlie says back.

i speed walk to my room, closing my door and locking it. i hop back on my bed, and footsteps come closer to my door.
then three knocks broke the suspension.

"millie?" finn asks.
"what." i snap.
"i need to talk to you." he says, practically begging.
"fuck off." i say.
"i'm sorry okay?"
"yeah okay."

i hear his footsteps leave my door, and i let out a sigh of relief. i tense up again when i hear footsteps coming back.

the lock jiggles and the door swings open to reveal finn in a white t shirt, black pants, and an army green beanie.

"how did you-...did you pick the lock??" i ask, growing annoyed.
"nooo." he responds sarcastically.

he closes my door and sits next to me on my bed. i scoot a little away from him, but he comes closer.

"i'm really sorry about what happened at the party. i was drunk, and my feelings of hating you heightened." he says.
"wow thanks." i respond sarcastically, growing annoyed.

"it's not like you don't hate me." he fires back.
"i do, but that's not an excuse to be an asshole." i say.
"okay fine. i'm sorry."

i look back at him, furrowing my eyebrows in disgust.
"it's okay, i guess." i rest my face.

"you forgive me?" he asks, clearly confused.
"yeah, sure." i look at the ground, tracing the carpet with my toes.
he takes my chin with the tip of his fingers and turns my head.

i didn't realize i was tearing up until now.
"it's just that," i start, wiping my eyes. "no one has really called me that since last year. i was just shocked i think. i knew you hated me but i didn't think you'd go that far..you know, bringing up the past." i finally look up at him. he has the worried expression that i haven't seen him give me before.

he pulls me into a small hug. i flinch at first, but i melted into it. he smelled of cheap cologne. i pull away, and our eyes lock. his chocolate eyes shine as the light from my window beats down on them. before i know it we're closer together, eating at the space between us.

we almost touch as we jump from hearing three knocks on the door, then the door opening. charlie stands there, and takes a look at us. our faces are both red and we're leaning on our elbows for support from the jump that sent us backwards onto the bed.

"geez. did i scare you that bad?"

okay good. he has no idea.

were finn and i about to kiss?

finn stands up and glances back at me, then to charlie.
"i think i should start heading home."
and with that, he passes charlie, then walking down the stairs.

was i, millie brown, about to kiss finn wolfhard?

i shiver at the thought.
but then i remember how oddly safe i felt, and how warm and protected i was.

do i have feelings for him?

omg okay so last night i went to warped tour, and i was in a mosh pit, you know, minding my own business, bumping into people like you're supposed to. and tHis gUy had the
n e r v e. to p u r p o s e l y elbow me in the fucking neck and the ribs, so now i have this giant bruise on my neck that looks like a giant hickey, and a fractured rib.

love that.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now