it was just a dream

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it's been almost a month since finn and i talked.

sure i see him around the house here and there, only because him and charlie have been inseparable lately. if they're not here, they're at finns.

all i've been doing is grocery shopping, and staying in the house. i have been hanging around with nic for a little bit too; he seems to be the only one i can talk to at the moment.

i wake up to a noise coming from the kitchen. i fell asleep on the couch watching tv in the middle of the night. it seems to be night time still, because there isn't any light coming from the curtains.

i sleepily get up from the couch, and walk into the kitchen. a tall skinny figure stands at the pantry, going through the food. i squint my eyes to see, because the kitchen is dark.

i walk closer, and put my hand on their shoulder.

they jump turning around, dropping whatever they were holding in the process.

"finn?" i ask in a groggy, raspy voice.

"what?" he snaps, turning back around, going back to what he was doing.
"why are you raiding my pantry?" i ask.
"charlie and i needed snacks." he replies as if it was obvious.
"okay." i roll my eyes, walking back towards the family room. i stop when i feel a hand on my shoulder.
"i'm sorry i didn't mean to sound like a dick." he says.
"don't worry about it." i sigh, walking again. i sit on the couch, and he stands in the doorway of the kitchen, looking at me.

"can we talk?" he asks.
"about?" i ask, furrowing my eyebrows.
"about how we've been completely ignoring each other." he says, lifting his hands up and dropping them down.
"i guess." i look away and to the tv. in the corner of my eye i can see him walking towards me before plopping himself on the couch next to me.

"i've been trying so hard not to love you."

my heart drops to my stomach. i turn to face him, and he's already staring at me.

"and i know you love me too." he cuts me off, looking into my eyes, seeing through me.
"i do." i say, and a small smile creeps onto his lips.

i start to say something, but i get cut off by lips smashing against mine roughly, but passionately. his hand snakes around my waist, and i pull him closer.

he pulls away, looking into my eyes again.

millie wake up.

"i've missed you so much." he says through and slight laugh, shaking his head lightly.
"i've missed you too." i smile, and he does too.

this is just a dream.

he kisses me softly. placing a hand on my cheek. i smile into the kiss, and set my hand on the side of his neck.

millie stop this isn't real.

he pushes me into my back, him now on top of me. he puts his hands on the couch next to my head, balancing his weight. his other hand sets on my waist under my shirt.

wake up.

i tug at his shirt and he takes it off. he smiles and takes mine off too. he presses his lips on mine once again, and we move in sync.


i jump up from my sleep, looking around. i expect to see finn laying next to me, but he's not.

it was just a dream.


this was short.

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