my hero

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charlie calls me, waking me up.

"is millie at your house? she-she said she was grabbing food, b-but it's been over an hour. my mom needs me you mind looking for her?" he asks. he seems really worried.

"i'm sorry man i don't think i can." i lie.

it's not a good idea for me to look for her when my feelings are jumbled up in a big mess.

"come on finn, please," he hesitates to continue, but then he does. "what if...what if she went to nic's again...what if she-"
"okay i'll go." i cut him off, hanging up the phone.

i'm in my car, driving around the neighborhood. it's starting to get dark outside, so my headlights are on.

i arrive at the cemetery where her dad is buried, because charlie told me to check there. i drive around the cemetery paths, and she's not there.
i drive around the church's parking lot, and one car sits facing the fence, with tree branches draping over most of the windows.

i park next to it, and get out, looking into the windows with my phone flashlight.
millie lays there with her eyes closed. i look down and her arm lays on the center console, her forearm facing up.

she has a syringe poking out of her arm, and a small rope around her arm just above her elbow.

i hurry and open the door, carefully pulling the syringe out of her tiny arm, and take off the rope.

i slide one arm under her knees, and my other arm around her upper back. her eyes open a little bit, but then they close. i pick her up, and almost fall back because i didn't expect her to be this light.

i put her in the passenger seat of my car, and start to drive.

*fast forward*


i wake up in a bedroom, but not mine.
at first it looked like charlie's, but it's different...

i slowly sit up, and i take in my surroundings. i see two guitars, one red electric and one classic acoustic. i then see a crate full of records, and a record player. i see band posters such as 'the beetles,' 'pup,' and 'twin peaks.'

i furrow my eyebrows when i see a framed picture of finn with his mom about a few years ago.

i'm in finns room.

i jump up from the bed and look out the window. it's day time.

did i sleep here?

i burst out of his room, running down the stairs. i run to the front door, placing my hand on the knob.

"where are you running off to?"

i turn and see finn leaning back on the kitchen counter, taking a sip from his coffee.

he's shirtless.

bittersweet / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now