Chapter 14

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Making their way through the front door, Harry tries to hide his tall form behind Anna.

It seems quiet as they enter and shut the door behind them gently.

Their plan did not work though because as soon as the door clicked Louis comes running out of his room.

Once he reaches the living room he stops dead in his tracks.

"Harry? What the hell is Harry doing here? I thought you were on a date with Scott? Where's Scott? Wait! Is Harry Scott?" He asks a mile a minute, very confused.

"Olivia get out here now!" Louis screeches.

Anna let's out a small laugh. "Louis, calm down. Breathe. Just breathe, and I will explain."

Louis slowly backs up toward the couch and sits down, running his hand through this hair as Olivia comes out of her room very confused.

"What is goin on? Wait, Harry? What are you doing here?"

Anna interjects before anyone else can say anything. "Guys, please calm down. I will explain everything."

Olivia reluctantly nods and sits down next to Louis while Anna and Harry sit down across from them.

"So to answer one of your many questions, yes I did go on a date with Scott. Scott dropped me off and then went home." She said casually.

Louis nodded. " why is Harry here?"

Anna looked at Harry and then looked at Louis and Olivia. "Well...Harry was outside when Scott dropped me off."

Olivia and Louis are still very confused so Harry leans over and whispers in Anna's ear, "Don't worry, I'll explain it."

Harry looks up and glances at Louis and Olivia intensely. "Niall came over and told me that Anna had found someone else, and something snapped inside of me. I did not want her to be with someone else. So I came here to talk to her and that's when saw him kiss her cheek and leave and I just...I broke down. That's supposed to be me doing that, not him." He said with a grimace.

Louis and Olivia sit there with perplexed faces before Olivia chimes in, "So, I'm sorry, I'm still confused. I thought the potion wore off and you were pissed? Is the potion somehow still in your system?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think there's any potion left in me. It's been a month and before today I haven't felt anything but anger toward Anna.  I gained my memories back but it's like I'm watching a movie. I don't have the feelings associated with those memories but I remember the facts. And the fact is, I'm miserable without her."

Louis nods slowly, taking it all in. "Okay so now what? You've discovered that you don't like for her to be with someone else and that you're happier with her in your life, what does that entail?" Louis says, eyeing Harry suspiciously.

Anna interjects, "We have agreed to do this the right way and let things take their course on their own. We aren't jumping back into a relationship because while I remember our time together, Harry does not."

Harry nods in agreement while Louis squints his eyes at him. "Okay, well I've got my eye on you Styles. You broke her heart once, don't you dare think about breaking it again." Louis says, pointing a finger at Harry.

"Louis! No need for threats." Harry and Olivia laugh while Anna scolds Louis.

"Anna I'm so happy for you, I know Harry makes you happy so I hope this can work out. I got to go meet Niall so I'll see you later, okay?"

Anna gets up to give her a hug. "Alright, Love you girl."

Anna walks her to the door and Olivia leaves the apartment while Louis and Harry catch up with each other on the couch.

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