Chapter 1 "Richmond":

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(Flashback: Four Years Ago)
Clem's POV:
I still remember it like it was yesterday. The last time I saw Richmond as a real place for people to live. I was walking near town square to tell Javi that I was leaving to go find AJ at McCarrol Ranch. As I was walking by him, Gabe waved at me and I waved back. I'm not gonna lie that at the time, I did have a little crush on him but I wasn't gonna say anything to anyone and I wasn't looking for relationship anyway. I figured Javi already knew I was leaving since the soon as I approached him, he asked, "So you're out of here too, huh?" "Yeah it's time. I have to see AJ, Javi. I've waited for so long." I told him as he looked sad but understanding. "But could you do me one last favor before I leave?" I asked him as he nodded and we walked away so he could do the favor which was to cut my hair.
I haven't let anyone else cut my hair but myself since Lee. Not that Javi could ever be a new Lee to me, I just really trust him. "You know I used to do this for my niece." He said as I responded, "That's nice of you." "She thought I was terrible at it." He said as I then feared him fuck up my hair. "Were you?" I ask him sarcastically as he replied, "None of your business." I've been begin to think about if I really do leave that means I'll have to not see Gabe for a while and I've really grown to like him. He's the best friend I've ever had. He's better than Duck and he's a hell of a lot better than Sarah ever was. But a part of me always thought that we could been more than that. But that I keep telling myself that I can't get too attached to him. Because that could only lead to more heartbreak. But a part of me still wants to be with him. "I'm really going to miss Gabe. I mean he's super annoying sometimes but I've gotten used to having him around. At least to have someone to talk to even if he is a total dork." I told Javi. "Not that he said anything to me in particular, but you know the guys got a Mondo crush on you, right?" He told me as I didn't know if he was joking or not. And for some reason a part of me really wished that he wasn't. "He does not." I said while cracking a bit of a smile at the thought of Gabe actually having feelings for me too. "Oh my gosh you have a crush on him too." Javi said as I then felt embarrassed. "I do not!" I denifully lied as I knew that I did. "Well you both have my blessing." Javi said as I scuffed playfully and said, "I'm going to stab you with the scissors."
I then began to think about seeing AJ after all this time. What if he didn't remember me? "I have to see AJ, Javi. I have to know that he's OK. Do you think he remembers me? At least a little?" I asked him as he said back, "Who could forget you Clem? Nobody who knew you that who." Hearing him say that made me feel a little better. "Yeah maybe." I simply responded. "Everyone told us he was better off. After everything that's happened, I'm starting to think they're right. I don't know if I was a good Mom or not." I told Javi. He then stopped cutting my hair for a second and asked me, "Did you love him?" "With all of my heart." I automatically said. "Then of course you were." He said as that made me smile and he continued cutting my hair. "Gabe told me you used to play baseball." I told him as Javi then said, "Yep. Sure did." "He told me you fucked it up too." I then said as I could tell that made Javi feel a little uncomfortable. "Yep. Sure did." He repeated. "But you loved it. How do you survive that?" I asked him. "You get back out there and try and find something better." He said as I somewhat doubted him. "There might not be anything better." I told him as he then replied, "Well, you won't know until you go outside."
"Alright, all done." Javi said is he put down the scissors and I got out of the chair. "Well how do I look?" I said showing off my new haircut as Javi had a somewhat regretful face. "You know what, I'll just grab your hat." He said is my smile disappeared and I had a somewhat sorrowful look. "Huh, I remember this team. Did your dad ever teach you about baseball?" He asked me as he handed me my hat back. "No not really." I said putting my hat back on. "Well when you get back here, I'll teach you all about it." He said as that made me smile again until I thought about AJ once again. "If I do bring AJ back, will you teach him too?" I asked as Javi said, "You bet. He belongs with you Clementine. Bring him back." He said as we both then looked towards the main entrance of Richmond. Just about a few hours later, Kate gave me an old red jacket to wear as her, Javi, and Gabe came out with me to say goodbye. Without hesitation, I am merely a hug to Gabe as he hugged me back. You have no idea how much I just wanted to kiss him but didn't because of Kate and Javi standing there. We then let go of each other as I looked at everyone and began to walk away. They all waved at me as I waved back. I then continued to walk all the way to McCarroll ranch and go get AJ.
The thing about memories is some of them hurt no matter how happy they may be. Because that was the last time I ever saw any of the Garcias. When I got back to Richmond after McCarroll ranch with AJ, imagine my surprise and horror at the site of the whole community up in flames burning with dead bodies surrounding it. I cried so hard that it was hard to contain my tears. Once again my heart has taken another kicking as the one good thing left in my life other than AJ was gone forever. No more Javi or Kate or Gabe or Richmond. All of it was gone and for the last four years it's just been me and AJ against the world alone. Every now and again I remember them and miss them all like crazy. Especially Gabe. And my only regret is that I never really told him how I felt. But I guess I'll never get the chance now.

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