Chapter 30 "Found":

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Gabe's POV:
I've been walking for days looking for the rest of my group and have come up with nothing in all that time. I'm starting to get really worried that they traveled too far for me to go. That would be the smart thing to go far and it was Aasim who was driving. I just hope I find them and get back to AJ and the woman I love. I would do anything to see them again and I still feel bad for staying behind while they went to safety. Well that and also the cuts and bruises on my body don't help either. Actually they are so bad it's kind of hard to move. Not only was I hurt, but also extremely hungry. Not so much thirsty as I had just taken a huge drink of water from a lake far back. It was dirty water but when you are as thirsty as I was, you tend not to give a shit. Also muertos have been a pain in the ass the last few days as well, but I've been able to fend them off somewhat. I just wish I knew where they were so I can be back with the group. Especially Clem and AJ. I love them so much.
I was making my way down a old hiking trail when I noticed a group of people walking towards the right direction of the woods far off in the distance. Maybe 5 or 6. I took a moment to remember how many people were left in our group. There was Clem and AJ of course but there was also Louis, Violet, Aasim, Tenn, Sofie, Minerva, Thomas, Erika, and Mitch. That makes eleven so that could be them. I mean it's not like they're going to send everybody out on a supply run it once so it really could be them. I got so excited that I began to yell out, "Guys!! Guys, I'm here!!! Clem!!!! Louis!!! Violet!!! Anyone!! I'm alive, guys!! I'm here!!!" They turned their heads to notice me as they started walking my direction. I was so excited that I got their attention, I almost started running towards them. I of course couldn't do to my injuries. So I guess it was more like speed walking. I was so excited until I looked closer and closer at the group as I got close enough to notice they weren't my group or a group at all. It was a small herd of muertos. I sighed of disappointment before taking out my gun to attack. As the muertos approached, I shot five of them in the head killing them as the sixth was still coming for me. I tried shooting it but my gun had run out of bullets so I tried going for my knife. By the time I got the knife out of its holster, the murerto pushed me to the ground as I tried to hold up its head so it didn't bite me. The only problem was that I was so weak I could barely hold back the muerto as its face moved closer and closer to mine as it's mouth made a chomping motion. "Is this really how I die?" I asked myself hoping for someone to come along and save me. That way I can at least see Clem and AJ again.
Louis's POV:
I still couldn't believe what had happened to our group. It's just been a few days since Mitch took power of the group from Clem and he has turned it into a dictatorship. He makes everybody treat him like he's the goddamn queen of England or something. It's been a goddamn trainwreck but no one has had the courage to stand up to him. Not even Violet. She cane with me on a supply run that Mitch put us on against our will as we were silent for a while until I heard Violet say, "What do you think he's gonna do to Clem? He's kept her and AJ locked up for days and given them little to no food. I'm worried for them." "Yeah Vi, so am I. It's just been like lord of the flies lately and we don't even have the cool makeup or the pigs head." I tried lightening the mood as she just gave me an angry glare. "This isn't the time for fucking jokes, Louis. Clem and AJ could die." She said sounding nervous. I sighed before saying, "Yeah, I know. Sorry. It's just that when I'm worried, I like to make jokes." I told her. "So your always nervous?" She asked me as I replied, "No." "Then Why is your mouth always moving and your always talking?" She asked as I just nudged her and said, "Oh come on, Vi. It's part of my eccentric charm." "Yeah sure it is. But in all seriousness, we need to find a way to help them." She said bringing us back to the topic at hand. "Yeah. It would be a whole lot easier if Gabe was still here." I said as we continued walking.
As we walked we saw something far in front of us. "What is that?" Violet asked as I replied, "I don't really know." We moved closer as we then realized it was someone getting attacked by a walker. "Holy shit! It's a guy! And he's in trouble. We have to help him." I said. "Louis, be real. It's probably some raider or just another asshole. It'll just bite us in the ass later. Let's just leave him." Violet said. "Hey, you never know who it is. But my gut says to help him. And I always trust my gut." I said Violet then responded, "That must be why you are always a fuck up." "Fuck up or not. I'm helping him." I said as I ran towards the man in danger with Chairles in hand. I looked bac to see Violet roll her eyes and whisper something to herself.I got behind the walker and bashed its head as hard as I could with Chairles until it was confirmed dead. "Are you ok, si... GABE?!" I said in disbelief as to who I just rescued. It was Gabe. And he's still alive.
Gabe's POV:
As I was about to lose my strength, someone ran up to where I was and smacked the muerto off me so hard that the muertos blood and guts splattered all over my face. Including my eyes as it made it kind of hard to see for a second. I then heard the man go, "Are you ok, si... GABE?!" I recognized that voice as I wiped the muerto guts off my eyes to see Louis standing over me looking just as shocked as I was. "Louis?!?! Oh thank god. You have no idea how good it is to see you." I said in thankfulness. "VIOLET!! ITS GABE!!! HE'S ALIVE!!" He then shouted out as I picked my head up to see Violet running in our direction. "Holy shit! Gabe? You're alive?!" She asked as she kneeled down to me. "Well obviously if your looking at me." I replied as Louis giggled and she gave him a nasty look. "Come on man. Get off the ground." Louis said as I replied, "Yeah I might need some help with that." He extended his hand out to me as I took it and the two helped me back on my feet.
"Damn Gabe. You look like...." Violet began to say until I said, "Shit? Yeah I know." "So did you kill that asshole?" Louis then asked me. "Yeah, he's dead. I smashed his face in with his own bat and the Saviors were all eaten alive by muertos." I said as Louis then let out a sigh of relief. "So where are the others? If you guys are here then they must be close by right?" I asked as both Louis and Violet then looked at each other nervously. "What?" I asked confused. "Gabe, things have... gone to hell since you were gone." Violet said putting a hand on mys shoulder. "What do you mean it's gone to hell? Clem is capable enough to keep a group a float. She has the brains and the passion." I said as Louis then walked closer to me. "Well the thing is, Clem... isn't in charge anymore." Louis said as my eyes grew wide. "What?! What happened?!" I asked sounding scared. "Mitch and some of the others revolted against her and now Mitch is leader us like a fucking dictator. He's holding Clem and AJ as his prisoners and he'll do god knows what to them." Violet explained as my fear turned into ear towards Mitch. "And you guys just let him do this?!" I asked as my rage began boiling up inside of me. "No one has had the courage to stand up to him. He's been especially aggressive." Violet said. "Then I... I have to stop him." I said as Louis replied, "Dude, that is a terrible idea. You don't look like you're up for a fight. In fact once again, you look like shit." "I don't care. I have to save Clem and AJ. I have to save my family. And I have to save our group." I said as Louis then sighed, shook his head, and said, "Hey, it's your own funeral." "We should go now, we have already been out here too long anyway." Violet said as we nodded and began walking to wherever they were now living. I know taking on Mitch in my current condition is risky and stupid, but I know I have to do it. Clementine and AJ, here I come.

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