Chapter 34 "Healing":

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Gabe's POV:
My eyes fluttered open as I woke up in what appeared to be a camping tent as I could feel the sleeping bag I was laying on underneath me. I took a look on my right to see medical supplies next to me like hydrogen peroxide, a needle and thread, bandages, and a medicine bag. I then looked down my body as my shirt and jacket were off and bandages were wrapped on my torso, arms, and one on my leg. I then saw the tent flaps open up as Erika walked in and made a happily surprised face once she looked at me. "Hey your awake! How do you feel?" She asked coming up to me and kneeling down beside me. "Well I feel like shit. But a little better shit." I replied as I attempted to sit up but Erika just gently lower me back down. "No no no, Gabe. You need to stay lying down. You're still in rough shape but you should be out of here soon and back on your feet in no time." She told me as I understood and nodded.
"How... How long have I been out?" I asked her. "About three days." She replied as her answer took me by surprise. "Wait what?! I've been asleep for three fucking days?! It's really been that long?!" I asked her in shock. "Yep. You needed plenty of rest after what you have put your body through." She said as I replied, "yeah OK. Fair enough." "I thought you should know that Clementine has been in and out by here while you were sleeping. She begged Aasim and I for her and AJ to stay here at your bedside but we were refused them because you needed time to heal alone without any possible disturbance. That didn't stop her from persisting over and over." She said as I let out a few small chuckles. "Yeah that's Clementine for you. She's always so determined and caring. That's just one of the many reasons why I love her." I replied as Erika gave me a small smile. "You know, you two have a good thing going. Always so passionate and a voted for each other. I wish I had someone like that." Erika said as I replied, "You'll find someone someday. There is bound to be someone left out there for you." "Thanks Gabe." She said as I said back, "Anytime."
"So you fixed me up, Ha?" I then asked her as she replied, "Yeah. I owe you guys one. After betraying Clem, I felt so guilty. So I volunteered to take care of you with the Aasim's help of course." "Oh come on Erika. I saw that you freed them so Clem could stop Mitch. You don't owe us anything but thank you anyway." I told her as she smiled once again and replied, "Anytime." repeating my previous words as I chuckled again. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Erika asked, "Do you want me to bring Clem in here? Since you're awake now I'll let her in if you want me to." "Yes please. I would like that very much so." I answered her as she said, "OK well I'll go get her and will be right back." before standing back up and leaving the tent to go get Clem.
Clem's POV:
I have been a nervous wreck these last three days. I could barely even get any sleep as I worried so much about Gabe. I have kept insisting Erika to let me see him but she has been saying the same thing every time I ask her. She always says, "Not now, Clem. Gave needs time to rest and heal." I just wanted to see if he was alright. I had just gotten him back and I couldn't bear to lose him. Not a second time. AJ was off playing with Tenn as our group has mostly recovered from the terror that Mitch put upon us all. There have been moments that I regret letting him die, but then I remember what he did to all of us and get over it. Deep down I knew I did the right thing no matter how much it haunts me to think about.
I was sitting down on the log right next to the cooking fire as I just needed some time to myself right now. As I was stuck in my thoughts, I see Erika come out of the tent Gabe was in as she walked over to me and sat down next to me on the log. "How is he?" I asked her without hesitation. "He's awake. And he wants to see you." She asked as I simply smiled on the outside but fireworks of joy and relief went off on the inside. "So you can finally see him now." She said as we both got up off the log and she took me to see Gabe for the first time in almost half a week. She opened up the tent flap as she walked in ahead of me as I followed her in. I entered the tent to see Gabe all bandaged up, lying down on a sleeping bag, as his eyes were half open from just waking up. A smile group on his face as he faintly said, "Hey baby." I covered my mouth as tears of joy rush down my face. I kneel down right beside him and instantly hugged him as hard as I could. "Ow. Clem, this kind of hurts." Gabe ordered in slight pain as I quickly let go and said, "Oh shit. Sorry babe. I didn't mean to." "I know. I'm just still in a bit of pain is all." He said. "Oh I think I might have some painkillers in the medical bag." Erika said as she walked to the other side of him to look in the bag to see if there were painkillers.
"You do?! Aw man, why didn't you tell me that sooner? I'd kill for some painkillers right now." He joked as I get a call from his goofy remark. I put Gabe's hand in mine and held it tightly. "I missed you, clam. You and AJ both." He said it's happy tears still poured from my face. "I missed you too, dork. I stayed up every night hoping that you were OK and would return to me." I said is I saw a single tear fall from Gabes eye. "I'm just glad to have my family back. I'm so sorry I let you guys go. I just... I wanted to keep you two safe." He said as I know I did and replied, "don't apologize. You saved us. You saved all of us. Just please don't leave me ever again." "I promise. I'll never leave your side ever again for as long as I live." He said as I picked his head slightly up with my opposite hand as I slowly lean my face towards his and put our four heads together before our lips connected smoothly and passionately. I could taste both of our tears on her lips but I didn't care. I was just happy to be able to kiss my dork again.
Erika walked back over to us with a medicine bottle that had a label that read, "Hydrocodone." "Here Gabe, this should number paying for a bit." Erika said handing him a pill as he drank it down with water form Erika's water bottle. "GABE!!" With and heard AJ yell as he entered the Ted and gave gave her a hug. "AJ, he is still in p...." I started to say until Gabe hugged him back and said, "Huh. Looks like the painkillers are working already. That was fucking fast." I could tell he was joking by the slight pain he had on his face but he ignored it just so AJ could hug him. Tenn then entered the tent as AJ and Gabe let go of each other. Erika then told Gabe, "Also I just wanted to let you know that not all of your cards will heal properly. In fact, most of them will be scars." "Oh... OK." Gabe said sounding a bit sad until Tenn sat down next to him, held out his fist, and said, "Hey, we're scar bros." Gabe a fist bump him and said, "Yeah. Scar bros.
"So exactly how much longer will he be in here until he's able to leave?" I asked Erika as she responded, "A day. Maybe too. It all depends on how he feels in the next few days." "Do you think we could possibly stay with him? Just until he's able to leave?" I asked her if she grinned I replied, "Sure. Go right ahead. You three deserve some time together. " I smiled and thanked her and she and Tenn left the tent. We indeed stayed there with Gabe that night as it was the first time in over a week that I've slept with him. It didn't take long for both him and AJ to pass out after we had our dinner as AJ went to bed in the corner while I snuggled up with Gabe. Being cuddled up with him is probably one of the best experiences I have these days. I love my dork and I wasn't going to leave his side now that I had him back in my life.

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