Chapter 23 "Rescue Plan":

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Gabe's POV:
I woke up the next morning still in Clementine's arm as she was still asleep in mine. Damn she looked so cute when she slept. She let out these little snores that only made her more adorable. I never realized how amazing it felt to sleep wit a woman. And this woman just so happens to be the love of my life. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead as she began to flutter her eyes open while gaining a smile. "Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" I said rubbing her cheek with the back of my hand. "Yes Gabe. That was the best sleep I've had in a long time." She said flirtingly. "Well I did as well. It turns out sleeping is easy when you do it with the person you love." I replied as she giggled and pulled my face in with both of her hands for a kiss as I kissed back. We kissed each other a few more time as I didn't want it to end but knew that it unfortunately had to.
"Well we should probably get up and get dressed. Today is our first official day as leaders." I told her as he nodded and we both got out of bed. I looked behind me as Clem went to the dresser to get our clothes. My eyes slid down to her ass that was still in her panties as I couldn't help but stare at it. It was so nice and round that I just wanted to give it a squeeze. But knew I couldn't because that would make me a creep. Clem then turned around as I turned back around to make it look like I wasn't looking. "Gabe, I know you were staring at my ass." She said as I sighed from being caught. "Yeah, sorry baby. I couldn't help it." apologized to her. She then threw our clothes on the bed as we walked closer to me. I thought I was  about to be slapped but instead she just caressed my cheek and said, "Gabe, it's ok. Your my boyfriend. You are the only person that's allowed to look at my ass like that." I then gave her a smile and small sigh of relief. "Now come on, we need to be downstairs soon." She said going back to the bed and throwing me my clothes.
We both got dressed as Clementine went to the desk to put on her hat until she noticed something that was also on the desk. "Uh Gabe?" She asked me putting her cap on. "What is it, Clem?" I asked in return as I walked up next to her. "What is this?" She asked with her hand on Marlon's old map. "Oh this is the map of the area we live in. Marlon had to keep track of our hunting groups, fishing grounds, and so on and so forth." I told her. "Yeah I knew that. But what is this?" She repeated her question now pointing to what appeared to be a shaded black house outside of the safe zone. "I... I don't really know, baby." I told her as I picked up the map to take a closer look at that specific spot. "Wait, there is writing over it. It says... Raiders Camp." I said to Clem as she just looked shocked. "Why would Marlon have the location of the raiders camp on his map?" She asked me. "Probably just in case hr needed to make another trade deal and so the others knew where to stay away." I said putting the map down only to have Clementine pick it back up. "We should go there. Sofie and Minerva may still be alive and if they are, then we should rescue them." She said. "Yeah you're right. But then again we don't know what these Raiders are capable of." I told her as she scuffed and replied, "Apparently not much. I mean I took Abel out easily." "Yeah that was one guy. But if we go here we are facing the whole damn army." I told her as she put on her thinking face. "Then we don't fight. We just sneak into their base, rescue the twins, and get the fuck out before anyone knows we were even there." She then said as I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah that could work. OK I'm in. Let's go rescue the twins." I told her as she smiled and kissed my cheek. "Well let's get downstairs and tell everyone our plan." She said as we then walked out of our dorm holding hands.
We got outside still holding hands as everyone fortunately was now awake. "Everybody, gather around!" Clem yelled out as everyone then came over to us to hear what we were gonna say. "Hey guys, look. It's our new fearless leaders. Let's here what bullshit they have to say." I heard Mitch sarcastically said in the crowd. He was the complete asshole of the group and I've been lucky that Clem hasn't had to deal with his bullshit yet. "Guys we have something to tell you. We have found Marlon's old map and gotten the location of the raiders base." I said as everyone gasped except for Mitch who just folded his arms. "Oh really? You're going to get us all killed too huh?" He said as I got upset. "OK will you just shut the fuck up now Mitch! We have a plan here and don't need your smart mouth." I said as Mitch just rolled his eyes at me. "Anyways we also believe that Sophie and Minerva are at this camp and are possibly still alive. We plan to hold a rescue mission in order to get them back." Clem then told the rest of them as we both got a good look at Violet and Tenn's happy and hopeful faces. "Guys, I would love to have them back with us, but staging and attack is way too risky. We can't afford it." Aasim then said. "We know and that's why Clem has come up with an alternative solution. Go ahead, baby." I said giving her the floor. "Instead of attacking them for headfirst, we sneak into their base, get them out as quickly as possible without gaining attention, and then leave as if we were never even there." Clem then said as Aasim responded, "Oh well that's better. Ok then."
I latched on to Clem's hand a little tighter. Not enough to hurt thought as she moved her body right up against mine. "We will not repeat the mistakes that Marlon made. We don't trade lives we save lives. So we are going to get Minerva and Sophie back and right the biggest wrong we've made as a community. Even if it was only one of us who made that mistake." I said as everyone cheered except for Mitch because he's a total asshole. "We will need a group though. To maybe possibly three volunteers to come with us to save them." Clem then said as no one offered to come with us until Violet spoke up and said, "Minnie was the love of my life. The only girl who truly got me and understood what I was. So if there is a chance that she is alive, then I'm coming with you." "I'm coming too. I need to make sure Sophie is OK." Thomas spoke up as well. "And I'm always down for a little adventure. So I guess I'll go too." Louis said. "Alright, we leave at 5:00 pm. Violet, Thomas, and Louis; You guys are coming with us. The rest of you, proceed with your normal duties as we are gone." Clem then said as we all nodded and went to prepare for what comes next. Whatever that may be.
Five o clock rolled around as Violet, Thomas, and Louis met us right at the gates. We couldn't use the truck seeing as how it ran it if gas after our little hunting trip two weeks ago. Clem then noticed that Louis was carrying his favorite weapon that she hasn't seen before. "Ugh Louis, what the hell is that thing?" She asked him. "Oh, let me introduce you to the most badass thing I know. It's an old chair leg with nails. I call him, "Chairles"." He joked as that got a good laugh out of us. "Alright guys, it's a two day walk so we better get a move on." I said as we were about to leave until we heard a young child's voice shout out from behind us, "CLEM! GABE! WAIT!!" We then turned around to see AJ running towards us. He dropped in front of us as he then said, "Don't go please!" "We have to go, buddy. We have to see that they are ok." Clem said kneeling down to his eye level. "I know but I don't wanna lose you guys. You two are like... like...." AJ said stuttering. "We are like your what?" Clem asked him as I kneeled down as well. "You guys are like... My parents." He said as Clem and I looked at him so happily. "Oh AJ. That's so sweet." Clem said as we both pulled AJ in for a big family hug. "I love you guys. So much." AJ said nuzzling his head in between both of ours. "We love you too, AJ." Clem said as I also said, "Yeah we love you too bud." "Erika is going to take care of you while we're gone OK?" Clem said as we all let go of each other. AJ nodded, said goodbye to us, and went back to see Erika. We then looked back at the others as they gave us all smile's and Louis said, "Well that is the goddamn cutest thing I have ever seen in my life." "Oh sure it is Louis. Sure it is." Violet said back. "Alright everyone. Let's go get the twins back." I said as the rest of the group we were going with nodded and we left the boarding school in order to get them back. If they were still alive at least.

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