Chapter 33 "Righteous Return":

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Clem's POV:
Everyone's eyes were glued to the man approaching us. Including my own. The nighttime sky made his appearance hard to see so nobody knew who this man was. He then got close enough to the campfire light as he was now fully exposed and everybody except Violet and Louis gasped. But not as much AJ and I did. It was Gabe! And he was alive! I couldn't believe it for a moment as I had thought the love of my life was gone forever at the hands of Negan. Yet here he was, right in front of me, AJ, and the rest of the group. He looked a little beat up but that's to be expected since he had just fought someone with a barb wire bat. My excitement and happiness got so intense that my body kicked into hyper drive as I yelled out, "GABE!!!", got up off my knees again, and ran toward him as fast as my legs would allow. "Clem!!!" He shouted back as I jumped into his embrace.
I wished I could hug him back but hands were still cuffed to each other behind my back. But instead he held me close to his body while my joyful tears began dampening his shirt a bit. "GABE!" We heard AJ yell out in happiness as well as I then looked at Mitch who looked horrified at Gabe's return. Gabe then let go of me and smashed his lips into mine as I instantly kissed him back. The kiss went on for a good fifteen seconds until we separated our lips due to a lack of air. "Oh Gabe! You're alive. I was... I was so scared. I thought... I thought you were...." I said stuttering due to my overwhelming of joy as Gabe lifted up my chin and said, "It's ok, baby. I'm here now. I'm just glad to see you as well." I blushed a bit until Gabe then started analyzing my face and now noticing my bruises, black eye, and cut in my lip and cheek. "Oh my god, Clem! What did he do to you?!" He asked concerned as I was about to answer until Mitch grabbed me by my handcuffs and dragged me back to where AJ was and cuffed me to the side of the truck so I wouldn't move again with another pair of his cuffs.
Gabe's POV:
As much as I was glad to be back it's my group and family, I was furious over what Mitch has done to my sweet Clementine. He beat her and locked her up like a wild animal. Not only that, but as Mitch cuffed Clem to the truck the group left in, I looked over to see he did the exact same thing to AJ. That sent me over the edge . He abused my family and took over our group. I can't just let that slide and I won't. "Hey Mitch!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as Mitch turned his attention back on me. "You don't belong here anymore, Gabe. They don't need you or your slut of a girlfriend. They need a strong leader who can make the hardest decisions. Like me." Mitch boasted as I took out my gun and pointed it at him while giving him the death glare that I learned from Clementine. "Oh what?! Are you gonna kill me too, Gabriel?! He asked with attitude as I moved just a bit closer to him. "Well let's see. You imprisoned and beat my family, took our group and treated everyone like shit, and you are a psychopathic so if a bitch who loves barking orders or killing people. So if you're really asking me if I'm going to kill you, then I say I am really considering it." I said with a voice of furious anger.
"It's too late Gabe. They already follow me now, right guys?" He said turning to the group for support but instead got scolds and silence. Tenn then stood forward and said, "No Mitch, we don't follow you. Not anymore. Clementine and Gabe are truly our leaders. They helped rescue my sisters and brought them back alive. Heck, even Gabe sacrificed himself to save the rest of us. Now that's what a true leader does. They put the group before themselves. There is a good chance Mitch that if we were to be attacked, you would cut, run, and leave us to die just to save yourself. I'm only gonna curse this once, but fuck you, Mitch!" Mitch looked at the others back and forth as they walked beside Tenn and nodded their heads. "Traitors! All of you! I'm ending this NOW!!" Mitch screamed as he pointed the gun back at my family. "NO!!!" I yelled as I took matters into my own hands and charged towards him and punched him right in the face as it made him stumble away from Clem and AJ. He touched his lip as it was bleeding now as he said, "You fucking dickwad!" He then pointed he gun at me as I ran back up to him and grabbed the gun as we started fighting over it.
As we fought over the gun, I landed a few good knees to his mid section until Mitch landed a nasty elbow to my injured side as the pain caused me to kneel down in pain. Mitch then took this opportunity and kicked my face as I landed on the ground. "Gabe!!!" I heard Clem and AJ's voices say in unison as Mitch continued to kick me while I was down. "Mitch, that's enough!" Tenn said as he ran over to us so he could stop Mitch but Mitch instead pushed him away on the ground as he kept kicking me. "Is this your lease?!" He yelled as Clem screamed and begged him to stop as he kept on going. "Is this your leader?! A leader is supposed to guide you all into the future. A leader is supposed to protect you. He is no leader. I AM!!!" Mitch yelled again. "Mitch, leave him alone!" Sofie yelled as Aasim then said, "You're fucking delusional, Mitch!" "You are a monster!" Louis then added as Mitch didn't even acknowledge their words and then got on top of me and punched me in the face over and over again, beating the shit out of me with a psychopathic smile on his face. I was just too weak to stop him as I tried to muster up the strength to fight him off but I just couldn't.
Clem's POV:
I couldn't bare to see what I was witnessing. Mitch was beating my boyfriend to death and there was nothing I could do to stop him. At least not with these goddamn restraints on me. It brought tears of sadness to my eye as I saw Gabe lose more and more blood due to his previous injuries and the ones Mitch was giving him now. As I continued to beg Mitch to stop, I saw Erika run over to us with a pair of keys in her hands. "Here. Let me get you guys out of these cuffs now that Mitch is... distracted." She said as she uncuffed AJ and I from our restraints and my wrists felt better now that the cuffs were finally off. "Listen Clem, I'm really sorry for wha...." She started to speak until I interrupted her and said, "Apologize later. I need to go help Gabe." I then ran to help Gabe as Mitch yelled out, "You. Piece. Of. Shit!" while still punching him over and over.
I used every ounce of my small body weight to tackle Mitch to the ground away from Gabe. Mitch stood back up as he gave me nasty look and said, "How did you...." before seeing Erika holding the keys. "Treacherous Bitch!" He yelled at her as he then looked back at me. He let out a sort of battle cry as he charged at me who his knife in hand ready to stab me as I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to drop the knife. He took a swing at me with his opposite hand but I ducked and kicked his kneecap, forcing his one knee to go down making him kneel. I went to backhand him like I did to Marlon but he caught it and pushed me down into the grass as he stood back up. "Hate to break it to you, Sugat Tits. But I'm not Marlon." He said with an evil smile on his face as I ran up to him and punched him right in the jaw just like Gabe did. He stumbled back and yelled, "You fucking whore!!" He then tried punching me again as I yet again and kicked him in the face as I then landed multiple punches to his face and body, making him bleed like Gabe was.
I went for another punch as much once again caught it and text me right in the face making me fall down hard on the ground. "It's over, Clem. Once you three are out of the picture, there will be no one left to oppose me." He said walking closer to me as I as I waited for him to get just a little bit closer so I could attack. He did just that as I then kicked him right in the balls as hard as I could making him hold them and shriek in pain. "OW!! Motherfucker!!" He yelled as I quickly got back up on my feet and landed more punches and kicks to his body making him keep stumbling back. As I was about to land a finishing blow, he ducked out of the way, grabbed AJ, and put a gun to his head as I took out my gun and aimed it back at Mitch. "Don't you fucking do it, Mitch!" I yelled out as AJ said in fear, "Clem?" "Drop your weapon now, Clementine. Unless you want to see your little boy's brains all over the grass." He ordered me as I looked at the others for support bit they all decided to stay out of it and let us handle it ourselves. I knew I had no other choice as I carefully laid my guy down onto the ground. "Good choice Clem. Very good. Now what's going to happen is...." Mitch started to say until he suddenly stop talking and made grunts of pain. AJ escaped his grasp as yelled, "Clem!" as he ran into my arms as we shared a quick hug.
Mitch continued not to speak as he fell to the ground still in pain with a knife in his back. It was the same knife that he tried to stab me with earlier as we then saw Gabe kneeling down right behind where Mitch was standing and it was pretty clear that he stabbed him. "Don't ever threaten my... My...." Gabe tried to say until he began to lose consciousness and fell down on the ground almost lifelessly. "GABE!!!" I yelled as I ran to his aid. "Gabe! God please no! I can't lose you again. Gabe please!!" I said cupping his lifeless cheek as tears fell from my eyes unto his body and I put my forehead to his. The whole group surrounded the two of us as Aasim yelled out to Louis and Minerva, "Get him in Erika's tent now!!!" They nodded as they pick Gabe up off the ground and carried him to Erika's tent. I looked over to Mitch who was still on the ground whimpering in pain as with and gathered around him to see just what a pathetic man he truly was. I have taken a lot worse than he has and didn't lie like this. "So... What are we gonna do with him?" Sophia asked as I thought for a moment. "Let's leave them for the walkers. We can't take the risk of letting him go and blabbing to any possible threats." I said as everyone seemed to agree with me.
We took him out as far as we could into the woods so that once they were finished with him, the walkers wouldn't find a way to our camp. We tied him to a tree with some rope Erica kept on her and we used the handcuffs that Mitch used to restrain AJ night to cuff him to one of the branches on the tree. "Please don't do this guys. I know I fucked up but I'll make up for it, I swear." Mitch pleaded of us. Nobody cared as they walked off back to camp except for me. "Clementine please. I'm sorry I turned on you. I was wrong. I see that now. Just let me come back with you guys. I... I don't want to be Walker ciao." He begged of me as he tried to free himself but couldn't manage to. "You took me out of power as leader, changed me and AJ up like animals, be both of us to a pulp just for kicks, treated everyone in our group like they were your personal slaves, insulted and beat my boyfriend possibly to death, threatened AJ by putting a gun to his head, and almost killing us both. Feeding you to the walkers is the least worst thing I can do to you. Goodbye Mitch." I said is I took out my gun and fired it into the air to attract the walkers as it worked like a charm and 5 to 7 of them arrived. I began walking back to campus thankfully the walkers focused all their attention and Mitch rather than me. "Clem?! Clem please save me! I can change! I promise! Clem?! CLEMENTINE!!!!" He screamed as I turn my head back to see him get torn apart and eaten alive by the walkers. It was so gruesome that I was about to vomit but I swallowed it instead. I then ran as fast as I could back to camp to check on Gabe. I have to know if he's going to be OK. I can't lose my love again.

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