Chapter 4 "New People":

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Clem's POV:
I woke up suddenly as it was nighttime and all the walkers from before were gone. As soon as my eyes opened, I saw a blond haired boy kneeling over me as it freaked me out a little. "Aahhh!!! Stay back!!!" I yelled out as I began to crawl backwards towards a log and pulled my pistol out at him. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Hey just take it easy, OK? Take it easy. Just stay calm." He said in a calm yet stern voice. "Calm? Calm?! How the fuck do you expect me to be calm when I have someone standing over me probably trying to take my shit!" I answered as he began slowly moving closer to me. "We're not going to fucking rob you. Hell we just saved you guy's lives." He said as I then put my gun down as I then remembered what happened with the walkers.
"I am... I'm sorry. I'm just not used to seeing people is all other than me and AJ." I said as saying his name suddenly made me remember about AJ. "Wait a minute, where the fuck is AJ?!" I asked freaking out again. "Oh you mean the little black kid? He was in rough shape so I had a friend of mine named Violet take him back with us to our community while we patch your wound on your head up." He said a I felt the bandage on my head. "Wait what do you mean we?" I asked as suddenly a little black kid with a beanie came back from behind him. "He's means me. Hello my name is Ten. Nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I didn't want to seem rude since they helped me and AJ out so I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ten." I said. "And my name is Marlon. I'm kind of like the leader of the group. And you are?" He asked me as I replied, "My name is Clementine."
"Thanks for patching me up I guess, Marlon." I thanked him. "Oh I didn't pack you up. That was all Ten here." He said pointing at him. "Wow, really? You did this?"'I said sounding surprised as I pointed at my bandage. "Yep. What can I say? I'm really go at bandaging heads." He said as he took off his hat to reveal a huge burn scar on his face. "Damn how did that happen?" I asked him. "I... don't really like talking about it." He said. "Oh sorry." I apologized. "It's OK. It's just been a while since someone has asked and it's not a very happy thing to talk about." He then said. "So why would you guys help us?" I asked Marlon as he and Ten looked at each other. "Because we feel like it's our job to help any kids in need. That's why we have a whole community full of them." He said as I was shocked by his words. "Wait a minute, a whole community of kids?!" I asked sounding shocked. "Yes ma'am. All kids and not a single adult to be seen." He answered. "Wow... How do you guys manage?" I asked him as I stood up. "Well we might all be kids but we run just like a normal community. We help each other out to build a safe space for all kids out there. We also have a scavenger hunt for food supplies or whatever the fuck else we can find." He said.
"And I have one more question?" I asked him. "What's with you and all the questions? Can a guy just have a girl and a boy out?" He said with a pinch of attitude as I folded my arms and gave him a stern look and he fixed his attitude quick. "But sure go ahead and ask." He said in a kind of nervous tone. "How did you guys get rid of all the walkers?" I asked them. "Oh we pplayed music in the distance and it drew the walkers away." He said as I looked really confused. "Oh really? And what song was that?" I asked again. Man maybe he's right I do ask a lot of questions. "Oh we play the Macarena. It's corny but it's effective." Ten joked as I giggled. "So I imagine you want to get that kid AJ back, right?" Marlon asked me. "Yes very much so. He's like the only family I have left in this fucking horrible world." I said back as Marlon just nodded. "Then you should come with us. He's at our community but I've already told you that." He said as I then replied, "Yes you have." "Anyways, we can take you there it's not much of a walk. Less than a day or so. So about five hours at least." He finished talking. "Plus I think it would be nice if you could meet everyone there. It's not every day we get a new person in the community so two of them are bound to get people excited." He then added on. "OK then. Lead the way." I said with a smile on my face.
"And also I want to apologize again for pointing my gun at you. It's just that I have some serious trust issues sometimes. And by sometimes I mean mostly all the time." I then tell him. Then looked back at me, shrugged, and said, "Who the hell doesn't have trust issues in this world? Especially if you're a kid.. Come on if we leave now we can get there before the sun goes down. And let me tell you, if you think the walkers are bad during the day, then you haven't seen anything when it comes to nighttime where you can't see them coming." "Yeah I noticed. Don't forget AJ and I have lived out here for years so we've kind of gotten used to everything for the most part." I then told him folding my arms once again. "Oh I believe it. Anyways come on let's get going." He said as we then all began to walk to wherever and whatever their community was. I didn't care as long as I get my goofball back safely.

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