When a stranger calls

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(a/n-if you're wondering yes I did get this title idea from the show Riverdale also I'm not stealing the plot from that episode. But this imagine is going off of that episode of Riverdale. This imagine you basically live in Riverdale too and also Brennen does too.)

Saturday Night 8:30pm

It was your typical Saturday night. You were home just watching your favorite show American Horror Story. Then all of a sudden your phone starts ringing it was a unknown number but you decided to pick it up to see if it was a prank or not.
"Hello Y/N this is the blackhood speaking"
"Who are you and what do you want from me also how do you know who I am"-You
"You know actually who I am and it's very easy knowing who you are and I want is who's all of the sinners of the town if you don't tell me who they are I will find you and kill you so answer my question"-Blackhood
"No I'm not going to answer goodbye now"-You
Once you hung up the phone you had to get out of your house because you were home alone and scared now. The only person you wanted to be with was Brennen so you called him to pick you up but then you had to explain what just happened to you. Brennen finally pick you up.
"Why did you call me and why did you sound like you were freaking out, are you okay"-Brennen
"No I'm not Brennen this unknown number called me saying that's he's someone name the blackhood and he wants kill the town sinners and also he knows who I am. I didn't know what to do because my mom is at the Riverdale Register working on a article and yet my dad is at the Whyte Wyrm hanging out with his serpent buddies so also they probably wouldn't believe me"-You
"Well we can either report what happened or you either just stay with me for rest of the night and then see if he calls back"-Brennen
"I think I just stay with you for the rest of the night and see if he calls back and if he does we can report it"-You
"Ok great idea"-Brennen
After what happened the blackhood did call you back but eventually you and Brennen decided to head to the station and report what was happening to you. Eventually the blackhood was caught for what he was doing to you sending you death threat calls. Now you didn't have to worry if he was going to call you again.

(a/n-so if you're wondering your a cooper in this imagine but if you're parents are Alice and FP instead so don't @ me for that because it's mine imagine and mine book so I can write whatever I want🤷🏻‍♀️)

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