Psych Ward

900 13 4

(a/n-this imagine is kinda more on the sad side)


You ended up in the psych ward just because you and Brennen had a huge argument and he decided to take you there because he thought you were a danger to yourself and him. But you knew you weren't a danger to yourself and to him but they didn't believe you they only believed Brennen because they thought you were crazy. You were just laying down in your room with some other patients until one of the nurses came in and said you had a visitor. So you got up and walked into the visiting room and you saw Brennen sitting in a chair waiting for you. You finally sit in the chair across from him.
"Hey you're probably why I'm here because you're probably still upset with me because I basically put you in here"-Brennen
"I'm not I got over it but why are you here"-You
"Well I have been thinking about us and I think we should stop seeing each other"-Brennen
"Wow seriously you drove all the way here just to tell me that why couldn't you wait until I got out next week and you knew I was getting out next week but no you just had to do it now while I'm in a psych ward trying to get better but not now because now I feel shitty because of you"-You
"I'm sorry now I regret saying that"-Brennen
"Too late now you know what fuck you just leave and I knew that you never truly loved me because if you did you would stick by my side but nope you just had to break up with me while I'm in here"-You
"I do love you Y/N"-Brennen
"I don't want to hear goodbye"-You
Once Brennen left you broke down in the visiting room. Eventually a nurse came and helped you up and took you back into your room. Once you got back into your bed you cried until you fell asleep.

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