Summer love

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(a/n this imagine is kinda based off the beginning of grease)

Sadly it was the last day of summer for you and you were from Australia visiting California. You were spending your last day at the beach. Your whole trip has been amazing mostly because while you were on your trip you met a boy name Brennen and the whole trip he has been the nicest person to you. Over the past 3 months you started to develop a small crush on him. But you can't do anything because your hearing back home.
"Are you sure you can't say here, tell your parents to just move here"-Brennen
"I'm sorry Brennen If I ask they might say no but are we going to ever see each other again"-You
"Of course maybe I'll come to your country and visit"-Brennen
"Really, I just don't wanna leave if only I could stay here and just go to school here or with you"-You
"I don't want you to leave either, I'll miss you Y/N"-Brennen
""I'll miss you too"-You
"I hope you enjoyed this summer with me and hope you have a safe flight back"-Brennen
"I definitely did enjoy this summer, thanks when I land back home I'll text you"-You
"Ok sounds good, goodbye Y/N"-Brennen
"Goodbye Brennen"-You
After you had the conversation with Brennen. You had to head back to your hotel room and pack and head to the airport. You didn't want to leave California mostly because you like it a lot more than Australia and also you didn't want to leave Brennen because you think he will forget about you. While you were packing your parents walked into the hotel room.
"Hey honey we have some news for you"-Your parents
"What is it"-You
"Well we aren't going back to Australia mostly because your father got a really good job here so we are staying"-Your parents
"Really, omg I can't believe it so does that mean I'll be going to high school here instead"-You
"Yes"-Your parents
"Yay I'm so happy"-You
Once you got the good news. You didn't tell Brennen because on the first day of school you are going to surprise and you know he's going to be so happy and surprised when he find out the good news.

(a/n-idk if I should make a part 2 but anyways tomorrow is my first day back to school so I won't be so active and posting all the time I hope you guys understand but if I have free time I'll post💛)

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