Abandoned Castle

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(a/n-this imagine is kinda scary so if you don't like reading anything scary just skip it)


You and Brennen decided to explore a abandoned haunted castle you came across while driving.
"Hey what's that it looks like a abandoned house, can we please explore it"-You
"Well I guess so since it's daytime right now"-Brennen
"Come on"-You
You and Brennen pulled over onto the side of the road and parked the car and got out to head to the abandoned haunted castle. You guys eventually got to where the castle was.
"Wow I really wonder who or what lived here before it got destroyed"-You
"I'm not really sure but should we explore it"-Brennen
"Yeah let's go"-You
You and Brennen were exploring the first floor with each other. But eventually you two kinda got separated while exploring the castle. You eventually got to where the back of the castle was, to explore it. But once you got back there you couldn't believe what you saw was a empty sleeping bag and whole pictures around it and the pictures were pictures of very disgusting stuff that you didn't want to see. You saw what you saw you were scared.
"Brennen!!!! come here quick"-You
"Babe what's wrong, tell me what's wrong, are you okay"-Brennen
"Yeah I'm okay but look what those pictures are"-You
"What the fuck, we have to report these pictures"-Brennen
"No we can't because if we go to the station they'll ask where we found them and then if we tell them they'll know that we were trespassing"-You
"But what if someone is in danger"-Brennen
"Okay let's take them and then we will figure something out what to do with the pictures but can we leave I'm getting a weird vibe from being here"-You
"Yeah let's go"-Brennen
You and Brennen left the abandoned castle and headed to the car. You were glad that you got away from that place because you didn't like being there.

(a/n-the "pictures" that you (the reader) found in the imagine you can make up what the pictures were because everyone has different ideas. Also please leave any ideas or request if you have any💗)

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