Drive in movie date

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(a/n-this imagine is set in the early 60's and up above a put I added a small clip of my favorite movie from 1961 call West Side Story also that movie will go good with this imagine because it came out in the 60's. Also if you haven't seen the movie you won't really understand this imagine but I recommend you watching it because it's a good movie even though it's like 3 hours but still it's a good movie. I also kinda changed it up a little bit but it still refers to the movie kinda)

It was date night for you and Brennen. He decided to take you to the drive in theater to see your favorite romance/musical and it was called West Side Story. Brennen knew how much you love that movie and how much you can relate to it. Mostly because you were from the Northside of town which it's the good side of town while Brennen was from the Southside of town which wasn't a really good part of town. You guys were from two different sides of the town but yet dating each other even though you shouldn't really because both sides don't really get along with each other. While you and Brennen were watching the movie you decided to tell him something.
"I honestly love this movie so much because we seriously can relate to it and also it's one of the best romance/musical movie"-You
"I totally agree"-Brennen
Once the movie was over Brennen decided to drive back home since it was getting late. Once you got got dropped off you thanked Brennen for the amazing date and went into your home. Once you got into your home you couldn't stop thinking how fun you had on your date.

(Another a/n-this is kinda short but cute also here's the trailer for the movie that I put in this imagine if you want to get a more idea of it

Also in the trailer there isn't really big spoilers in it but I recommend you watching it because it's really good to watch💛)

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